Friday, May 30, 2008

June 2008 Newsletter

Dear Friends,

Each year during the month of June our church joins about 5,000 other American Baptist Churches in receiving the One Great Hour of Sharing Offering. Your gifts to this offering make a world of difference to people in our country, as well as to people half a world away. In fact, as I write this letter, OGHS donations are being directed to both China, for earthquake relief, and to Myammar (Burma) for relief from the cyclone that hit that region a couple of weeks ago.

Gifts to the One Great Hour of Sharing help not only in emergency relief situations, but by helping families and villages around the world build lives and communities that are healthy, safe and sustainable. One Great Hour of Sharing:

· Helps rebuild communities ravaged by natural disasters
· Creates sustainable sources of income for rural villages
· Provides micro-credit to women to start poverty-escaping businesses
· Teaches trades and job skills
· Offers children a chance to survive past the age of 5 and go to school
· And much more.

Here is one example of “and much more.” In the remote villages of Bonde, Ethiopia, the cost to dig and finish one well is $200. With the well nearby, which is made possible through OGHS funds, the lives of the villagers changes dramatically for the better by having a source of clean water close by.

Here is a second example of “and much more.” In refugee camps all around the world, people fleeing war or natural disaster find shelter and the support to begin rebuilding their lives. Through OGHS funds, families are provided a tent, blankets, water, latrines, and a month’s worth of food, for a cost of about $380.

Your gifts do make a difference! And they gladden the heart of God, who promises that those who respond to need, “shall be like a watered garden, like a spring of water, whose waters never fail” (Isaiah 58:11.)

An offering envelope is provided in this newsletter for your gift. Thank you for your generosity.

Sincerely Yours,
Pastor Jim

P.S. Since the OGHS offering is used in part for Refugee assistance, the Ministry Council feels it appropriate for any who want to, to designate any amount of their OGHS offering to our refugee family. If you choose to do so, simply mark on your envelope a “R” with a circle around it, and state the amount designated for the Refugee family, and the designated amount for OGHS. And thank you! Your giving to help others less fortunate and to help our refugees has been outstanding!

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