Wednesday, December 3, 2008

The Star

The day of the Christmas presentation finally arrived. My young daughter, Jana, was so excited about her part that I thought she was to be one of the main characters, though she had not told me what she was to do. The parents were all there and one by one the children took their places. I could see the shepherds fidgeting in the corner of the stage meant to represent the fields for the sheep. Mary and Joseph stood solemnly behind the manger.
In the back three young wise men waited impatiently. But still Jana sat quietly and confidently. Then the teacher began: “A long time ago, Mary and Joseph had a baby and they named Him Jesus,” she said. “And when Jesus was born, a bright star appeared over the stable.”
At that cue, Jana got up from her chair, picked up a large tin-foil star, walked behind Mary and Joseph and held the star up high for everyone to see. When the wise men responded to their cue, she went forward a little to meet them and to lead the way, her face alight as the real star might have been.
The playlet ended. We had refreshments. On the way home Jana said, with great satisfaction, “I had the main part!” “You did?” I questioned, wondering why she thought that. “Yes,” she said, “cause I showed everybody how to find Jesus!”

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