Tuesday, January 6, 2009

January 2009 Newsletter

Dear Friends,
Well, it’s January again, which means it is the time of year when many people make “New Year Resolutions,” promising themselves and others to improve their lives by taking special actions.
We all know about resolutions – perhaps you have already made yours. If not, here are some of the more common ones that people make:
· Go on a diet
· Eat healthy (more veggies and fruit, less junk-food)
· Exercise regularly
· Watch less TV and read more
· Enjoy life more.
The resolutions listed here are just a small sample of ones you may hear from relatives, friends and neighbors. There is nothing unique about them, yet if followed, they can make a tremendous impact on one’s life.
When making resolutions we often think of diet, exercise and the like. Most of our resolutions are related to our physical and emotional health. And that certainly is appropriate. However, I believe it important that we consider resolutions for the New Year that will greatly benefit our spiritual health. Consider these:
· Praying daily
· Worshiping regularly (meaning weekly or most weeks of the year)
· Giving generously – of our finances, our time, our talent
· Developing relationships with my church family – getting to know fellow-Christians that I don’t know as well, or getting to know the ones I do on a deeper level.
· Participating in a ministry of the church or the community.
· Reading God’s Word devotionally
· Joining a Bible Study, Sunday School Class, or some other group that studies and discusses God’s Word
These are just some of the many ways we can develop spiritual health. Making resolutions to grow and develop spiritually is a great way to begin 2009.
Now I understand that resolutions are difficult to keep, no matter if they are for our physical health, emotional health or spiritual health. Certainly we need the power of the Holy Spirit to help us keep our resolutions. Here’s the Good News: we have it! We don’t have to rely on just our own will power (which is why most resolutions fail). We can rely on Holy Spirit power to empower us. That’s so good to know.
Resolutions for the soul, for spiritual health, are extremely important for us. I pray God helps us to make resolutions, and empowers us to keep them.

Happy New Year!
Pastor Jim

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