Monday, February 2, 2009

February 2009 Newsletter

Dear Friends,
February is a month of many special dates. Although it is a short month, it seems to have a lot of days that people look forward to for one reason or another. (Perhaps to get our minds off the long, cold, snowy winter?!?) What are some of those special days?
February 2nd is Ground Hog Day. This day has great meaning for a community in Pennsylvania, as well as in Sun Prairie, WI. We hope those groundhogs, Punxsutawney Phil and Jimmy, (as well as many others throughout the USA and Canada), see their shadow (or don’t see their shadow – I always get confused) so that we won’t have to endure winter much longer (or so goes the fable.)
February 14th is Valentine’s Day. This is a great day for the candy, jewelry, flower and card industries. At the same time Valentine’s Day does give us a great opportunity to tell those we love how much they mean to us, and to bless them in some way -- that’s where the candy, jewelry, flowers and cards come in.
This year, on February 16th, we celebrate Presidents Day, honoring Abraham Lincoln and George Washington. When I was growing up we celebrated Lincoln’s birthday on February 12th, and Washington’s on February 22nd. Call me old-fashioned, but I still wish we did it that way. I’m sure those who have a holiday on the 16th feel otherwise.
After all the celebrating we do with Ground Hog Day, Valentine’s Day and President’s Day, we hit a somber note with Wednesday, February 25th. It is on that day that many Christians observe what is known as Ash Wednesday. It is the beginning of Lent. For Christians everywhere Lent reminds us of Jesus’ journey to the cross. So Ash Wednesday isn’t so much just a day we observe as it is the beginning of a journey of many days that takes us to Good Friday and Easter. Now notice I didn’t mention that February 24th this year is “Fat Tuesday.” For many this is the last day of feasting before they get serious about Lent (or so the story goes.) We may not do Fat Tuesday or Mardi Gras, but come Ash Wednesday we are reminded that our faith in Jesus is very serious because it took him to a cross, a cross we’re so very thankful for. Time and again in Scripture we’re told that because of the cross we are forgiven people with new life and new hope. That’s Good News for us on any day, but especially good to hear when there is so much discouraging news elsewhere.
February has many special days, to be sure. But the one that stands out above them all is February 25th – Ash Wednesday. That day not only tells us Lent is beginning, but it also calls to us to remember our own faith journey – the one that takes us to Calvary, Easter Sunday and beyond. I pray that your journey and mine will be marked by reflection on the life of Jesus – and our life in Him. I pray that we will meet Jesus on that journey, and walk with Him closer than ever before. May you always find hope on this journey.

Pastor Jim

American Baptist International Ministries

Duane & Marcia Binkley wrote just prior to Christmas: Since arriving in the US in June 2006, we have made contact with over 100 locations around the country where refugees from Burma (Karen and Chin) have settled from the refugee camps in Thailand and Malaysia, so the work is really gaining momentum. Since 2005, a total of 30,000 Karen and Chin have been settled in 140 cities across the US and tens of thousands more refugees from Burma are expected to arrive in the US in the future. For the past two years we have also made two trips each year to Thailand to visit the refugee camps there. Each day we get numerous emails from people and churches all across the US, Canada, and other countries who are working with these refugees and from the refugees themselves seeking information and resources. We also are developing relationships with the refugee re-settlement agencies that are responsible for helping the refugees become established in the various communities around the country. Our website ( seems to be meeting a great need . . . As we travel and meet people in various places, we are amazed at the scope of the situation and wide network that is developing. We are especially glad to see our Baptist churches reaching out to these, our Baptist brothers and sisters from Burma, where our Baptist mission work began nearly 200 years ago. Now, we have a chance to welcome them to our churches and home-country just as they welcomed our missionaries to their shores decades ago. Missions has indeed come full-circle! It is exciting to be a part of this historic development!

Crocodile Dock (VBS)

It’s February and its cold outside! Yet before we know it summer will be here and with summer comes the great opportunity to minister to our neighborhood kids through Vacation Bible School. This year’s theme sounds very intriguing: Crocodile Dock! A meeting to begin exploring VBS for this year will be held on Monday, February 9th, at 6:30 p.m. So come and join us on the dock here at Whiting as we begin laying plans for a great VBS!

10 Great Dates

Beginning in February, “10 Great Dates To Energize Your Marriage” will be offered throughout the Fox Valley. Over the course of 10 months, couples will meet once a month with other couples to explore a chapter in the book that goes along with this adventure, then venture out to share with each other the topic for the evening. This happens from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. followed by your date. The cost is only $29 and includes the book, refreshments and other materials. For more information, such as days and places available, contact Julie at (920) 284-0085.

God's Forgiveness (from the Samaritan Center)

The last few weeks, I’ve heard a number of people talk about guilt and shame. They’ve discussed their tendency to blame themselves for all sorts of things and carry large burdens of guilt. Some folks trace this tendency to the family in which they were raised. Others attribute it to the church in which they were raised.
Certainly, our families and our churches impact us in profound ways. Yet, I know people from loving and accepting families and grace-based churches who also struggle with guilt and forgiveness. I think it’s part of being human. Accepting the appropriate level of responsibility is a continual challenge. Either we accept no responsibility or we accept too much responsibility. Either we blame ourselves for nothing or we blame ourselves for everything. It seems that the people I know tend to hold onto guilt and struggle with forgiveness. I’m convinced that accepting God’s forgiveness is one of the hardest spiritual disciplines.
“At issue is whether there is more mercy in God than sin in us. And according to Paul, just as love is stronger than death, so forgiveness is stronger than sin.” (William Slone Coffin.)
To help us remember the depth of God’s love and compassion, I’m thinking of writing “forgiven” on every mirror in the church. I wonder…if we truly trust God’s forgiveness…what difference that would make in our lives and in the lives of those around us.
We are loved. We are forgiven. Praise God!
(Written by Rev. Joan Sulser.)

Thank You!

Denise and I are very grateful for your Christmas gifts to us. We are truly appreciative of your generosity. Thank you for blessing us! -- Pastor Jim.

Marriage Encounter Weekend

Looking for a weekend away, for just the two of you? A Marriage Encounter Weekend offers you this experience. It’s a time to renew your relationship, away from the everyday distraction of life. It’s an opportunity to strengthen your communication and promote greater intimacy in your life together. There are two winter weekends to chose from: February 20-22 or March 21-22. Both are being held at the Norbertine Center of Spirituality in DePere. Call Sue or Dennis at (920) 544-5166 for more information, or visit

Jesus Loves Me (for Seniors)

Jesus loves me, this I know, though my hair is white as snow.
Though my sight is growing dim, still he bids me trust in Him.

Yes, Jesus loves me. Yes, Jesus loves me.
Yes, Jesus loves me for the Bible tells me so.

Though my steps are oh, so slow, with my hand in His I’ll go.
On through life, let come what may, He’ll be there to lead the way. (Chorus)

Though I am no longer young, I have much which He’s begun.
Let me serve Christ with a smile, go with others the extra mile. (Chorus.)

When the nights are dark and long, in my heart He puts a song.
Telling me in words so clear, “Have no fear, for I am near.” (Chorus.)

When my work on earth is done, and life’s victories have been won.
He will take me home above, then I’ll understand His love. (Chorus)

I love Jesus, does He know? Have I ever told Him so?
Jesus loves to hear me say, that I love Him every day. (Chorus)

Go "Green"

Want to help both our environment and our costs here at church? Why not go “green” with our church newsletter? All you have to do is let us know that will be reading the newsletter at our website:, and so will no longer need a hard copy. Call the church office or mention it to Pastor Jim in church.


Our Greeter on Sunday morning throughout the month of February is Alice Dorton.

Academy for Spiritual Formation

Pastor Jim will be at the Academy for Spiritual Formation from Monday, February 2ndt through Saturday, February 7th. Please feel free to contact him on his cell phone.


At our Ministry Council meeting of January 14th, Barb Moravec was elected Moderator of our Ministry Council and our church, and Trudi Woods was elected Church Clerk and secretary for the Ministry Council. Congratulations to them, and many thanks to Tom Romnek and Mary Hill who served in those positions last year (moderator and church clerk respectively.)

Food For Thought

· All labor that uplifts humanity has dignity and importance and should be undertaken with painstaking excellence. (Martin Luther King Jr.)
· Imagine what a harmonious world it could be if every single person, both young and old, shared a little of what he is good at doing. (Quincy Jones.)
· It is one of the beautiful compensations of this life that no one can sincerely try to help another without helping himself. (Charles Dudley Warner.)
· The words of kindness are more healing to a drooping heart than balm of honey. (Sarah Fielding)
· What sunshine is to flowers, smiles are to humanity. These are but trifles, to be sure; but, scattered along life’s pathway, the good they do is inconceivable. (Joseph Addison.)

Candy Love

Four-year-old Sam loved candy almost as much as his mom Sally did. He and Daddy had given her a beautiful heart-shaped box of chocolates for Valentine's Day. A few days later Sam was eyeing it, wishing to have a piece of it. As he reached out to touch one of the big pieces, Sally said to him, "If you touch it, then you have to eat it. Do you understand?" "Oh, yes," he said, nodding his head. Suddenly his little hand patted the tops of all the pieces of candy. "Now I can eat them all."