Monday, February 2, 2009

February 2009 Newsletter

Dear Friends,
February is a month of many special dates. Although it is a short month, it seems to have a lot of days that people look forward to for one reason or another. (Perhaps to get our minds off the long, cold, snowy winter?!?) What are some of those special days?
February 2nd is Ground Hog Day. This day has great meaning for a community in Pennsylvania, as well as in Sun Prairie, WI. We hope those groundhogs, Punxsutawney Phil and Jimmy, (as well as many others throughout the USA and Canada), see their shadow (or don’t see their shadow – I always get confused) so that we won’t have to endure winter much longer (or so goes the fable.)
February 14th is Valentine’s Day. This is a great day for the candy, jewelry, flower and card industries. At the same time Valentine’s Day does give us a great opportunity to tell those we love how much they mean to us, and to bless them in some way -- that’s where the candy, jewelry, flowers and cards come in.
This year, on February 16th, we celebrate Presidents Day, honoring Abraham Lincoln and George Washington. When I was growing up we celebrated Lincoln’s birthday on February 12th, and Washington’s on February 22nd. Call me old-fashioned, but I still wish we did it that way. I’m sure those who have a holiday on the 16th feel otherwise.
After all the celebrating we do with Ground Hog Day, Valentine’s Day and President’s Day, we hit a somber note with Wednesday, February 25th. It is on that day that many Christians observe what is known as Ash Wednesday. It is the beginning of Lent. For Christians everywhere Lent reminds us of Jesus’ journey to the cross. So Ash Wednesday isn’t so much just a day we observe as it is the beginning of a journey of many days that takes us to Good Friday and Easter. Now notice I didn’t mention that February 24th this year is “Fat Tuesday.” For many this is the last day of feasting before they get serious about Lent (or so the story goes.) We may not do Fat Tuesday or Mardi Gras, but come Ash Wednesday we are reminded that our faith in Jesus is very serious because it took him to a cross, a cross we’re so very thankful for. Time and again in Scripture we’re told that because of the cross we are forgiven people with new life and new hope. That’s Good News for us on any day, but especially good to hear when there is so much discouraging news elsewhere.
February has many special days, to be sure. But the one that stands out above them all is February 25th – Ash Wednesday. That day not only tells us Lent is beginning, but it also calls to us to remember our own faith journey – the one that takes us to Calvary, Easter Sunday and beyond. I pray that your journey and mine will be marked by reflection on the life of Jesus – and our life in Him. I pray that we will meet Jesus on that journey, and walk with Him closer than ever before. May you always find hope on this journey.

Pastor Jim

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