Thursday, July 30, 2009

American Baptist International Ministries

More than a third of our world’s 6.6 billion people struggle for the basic necessities of life – food, water, shelter, clothing – on less than $2 a day. Poor people around the world work and want to work. But they need help to adequately meet their families’ needs. We believe it is not enough solely to give people necessities like food and water. We must also help them provide those basic needs for themselves.
Through our missionaries, global consultants and development workers, we are providing basic education and vocational training so people can build economic independence. We are helping people grow better crops and acquire good strains of cows, sheep and other animals to feed their families and generate income. And we are helping communities tap that most precious physical resource needed for life – water.
We do not work alone but in partnership with local people, who are uniquely able to identify needs, guide culturally appropriate responses, and provide local accountability.
All of our missionaries, global consultants and development workers share the good news of Jesus Christ while meeting human needs. Some focus on the ministry of creating economic opportunity and building futures.
One illustration of this is Scott and Tan Coates, who are missionaries of International Ministries and Mission to Unreached Peoples. From their home in Chiang Rai, Thailand, they engage in holistic leadership development ministries among the minority peoples that inhabit the hills of Northern Thailand and neighboring countries.
A second illustration is Chuck and Ruth Fox, who minister in economic development as well as evangelism, pastoral care, leadership development and women’s ministries. Through their work with approximately 75,000 Akha hilltribe people in Northern Thailand, there has been an increase of self-sufficiency programs involving pig-raising, handicraft development, and crops. In a land where opium trade is a constant reality, three villages have embraced the planting of coffee. Another source of income has developed from the Akha Craft program, which even includes an Internet store, which you will want to visit,
Our American Baptist Missionaries are dedicated to sharing the Good News of Jesus in many different ways. Thanks for your support of them.

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