Thursday, August 27, 2009

September 2009 Newsletter

Dear Friends,
I have recently completed my fifth week at the Academy for Spiritual Formation. Only three more weeks to go! To be sure, my time at the Academy has been enriching and rewarding. It has also been challenging and demanding, and has required of me a lot of soul-searching.

The purpose of the academy is to encourage participants in their journey of faith. The actual stated purpose is a bit more detailed:

The purpose of the Academy is to provide an in-depth and comprehensive experience in spiritual formation for lay and clergy persons who are highly motivated in their sense of call to follow Christ and serve the church and the world.

The Academy experience seeks a spirituality that integrates body, mind, and spirit. So our sessions have included information on taking better care of our bodies, reading and teaching that enlightens our minds, and regular worship (three times a day), as well as encouragement in the practice of spiritual disciplines. Thus far I have found the Academy to be a whole lot richer and deeper than I ever dreamed it would be.

You and I as people of faith are challenged to grow in our faith. Ever since we were baptized, Jesus has been inviting us to get to know him more personally. One does not need to attend an Academy for Spiritual Formation for this to happen, for certainly there are plenty of opportunities nearby to enrich our faith in Christ. Yet we do need to take advantage of those opportunities. Why is this important? Because for every message we receive or hear about our faith, and what it means to live as a Christian in today’s society, we receive a dozen or so more messages that show life quite contrary to the message of God’s Word. You may hear about loving your neighbor on Sunday, but through the rest of the week you may hear about getting revenge, taking advantage of others, looking out for number one, and all kinds of other messages that are quite contrary to loving your neighbor. And you will hear these messages from the most unlikely places – your friends at work, the television shows you watch, the football players who take great pride on hurting an opponent, the behaviors demonstrated at school, and so forth. For many, the only exposure to life the way God wants us to live is one hour on Sunday morning. And that is hardly enough. So you can see we are bucking the odds on knowing how to live out our faith. It takes great intentionality on our part if we are to know and learn how Christ wants us to live as his disciples in a society that is not focused on his ways.

For that very reason we have opportunities for spiritual formation right here at church. We have a variety of ways in which we can grow deeper in our faith and develop a spirituality that blesses God, ourselves, and those we live with. In the history of the Church we have called these opportunities Sunday School classes, Bible Studies, and so forth. In reality, they are spiritual formation opportunities – opportunities for you and I to grow deeper in our relationship with Jesus and more intentional in our walk as a Christian.

It is my prayer that we will take advantage of the opportunities for spiritual formation right here at WCBC. Let us strive to be a people who want more and more to know Jesus and what it means to follow him. This fall, join a Sunday School class, our marriage class, Tuesday night studies, or any of the other studies available. And make sure to bring your children, if you have them, and assist them in their spiritual formation. In such a way we will honor Christ.

Pastor Jim

Fall Church Schedule

Just a reminder that on Sunday, September 6th, our Fall Worship schedule begins, meaning that worship will begin at 10:15 am. And then on Sunday, September 13th, our Sunday schedule includes prayer time at 8:45 am, Sunday School at 9:00 am, and Worship at 10:15 am.

All-Church Game and Pizza Night

On Sunday evening, September 27th, beginning at 5:00 pm, we are holding a Game and Pizza night here at church. Bring your favorite games (snacks and soda if you want), and enjoy time together with church friends. Once everyone is here, we’ll order pizza and divide the costs.

Marriage Group

On Friday evening, September 18th, at 6:30 pm, a group for married couples and interested singles, will begin. The study we’ll be using is called: I Love You More: How Everyday Problems Can Strengthen Your Marriage. This will be a six session course and childcare will be provided. There will also be free resources, give-a ways, and snacks. Please register by September 8, so that resources can be ordered. Contact Pastor Jim at 722-4312.

Thanks for VBS

(This is a letter we received from a parent of two children who attended this year’s VBS.)

The kids had a blast at VBS! Will told me about Moses and King Pharaoh and the Red Sea! Then he told Helen this line after reading books on Thursday night. He said, “You know Mom, I know that God is always with us, but sometimes I just want someone with me who is not invisible!” Thanks again for all your preparation for VBS and investing in my children’s spiritual growth! Blessings, Mark. (Thanks to all our volunteers and those who helped in many, many ways for being the “visible” Jesus to the kids at VBS!)

Church Finances

As of the end of July we are a negative $4,468.02. Our July giving was a plus $88.48. However, for the year we have spent almost $4500 more than we have received in tithes and offerings. We appreciate your giving to God’s work here at Whiting Community Baptist Church. May God bless and guide us through these difficult financial times.

Sunday Night Live!

On Sunday, October 4th, we will have a special evening worship service, in addition to our regular Sunday morning worship service. Sunday Night Live will begin at 6:00 pm, and be somewhat different than Sunday morning. The details are being worked out, but rest assured, you will have an opportunity to worship God and be blessed. In planning for future Sunday Night Lives, we are looking for people who play musical instruments, would like to share stories about their faith, enjoy being in skits, and would want to be on a planning team. If any of these items, or some other ideas you may have for a worship service pique an interest in you, contact Pastor Jim.

Annual Meeting of the American Baptist Churches of Wisconsin

The Annual Meeting of the American Baptist Churches of Wisconsin will be held on Friday and Saturday, October 9-10. This year the Annual Meeting will take place in Milwaukee, at the Progressive Baptist Church on Friday evening, and at Calvary Baptist Church on Saturday. The Business Meeting begins on Friday at 7:00 pm, followed by Worship at 7:30 pm. Saturday’s session begins at 9:00 am with a Bible Study and Singing. Then at 10:30 am and 1:30 pm there will be a variety of workshop options and Mission Tours. Options include: White Cross Bandage Rolling, Chin (Burmese) Baptist History/Current, Prayer Quilt Ministry, Project Focal Point, Milwaukee Christian Center, Greentree/Teutonia Community Center, and Tudor Oaks Retirement Community. There will also be a reception celebrating the 35th anniversary of Rainbow Acres at 3:00 pm, followed by a closing worship celebration at 4:00 pm.

Another aspect of the Annual Meeting is Mission Mobilization, led by the ABCW Commission on Congregational Mission, of which Pastor Jim is the moderator. The project of Mission Mobilization this year will be providing food to those on the near south side of Milwaukee. The Commission on Congregational Mission is looking for volunteers to help prepare food, distribute food, and to help build playhouses for kids of the community. If you are interested in helping in any of these projects, and would like more information, contact Pastor Jim.

There are other ways all of us can help with the Mission Mobilization of the American Baptist Churches of Wisconsin. We will be collecting the following to share with those in need in Milwaukee:
· Canned vegetables
· Toiletry items such as toothbrushes, toothpaste, washcloths, soap, and shampoo.
· New or gently used coats, hats and gloves
· Cookies for the meals that will be served while food is being distributed
· Money.

A special rate for people attending the Annual Meeting and staying overnight in Milwaukee is available at the Quality Inn, in Brookfield. For information on the motel, and other aspects of the Annual Meeting, please see the bulletin board.

Sunday School Kickoff

We begin Sunday School on Sunday, September 13th, at 9:00 am. There are classes for all ages. Our kick-off will include a light continental breakfast of donuts, coffee and juice.

The Adult Class will have a fascinating study entitled, “If you want to walk on water, you’ve got to get out of the boat!” This study, based on the book of the same title by John Ortberg, invites us to consider the incredible potential that awaits us as we learn to venture out on the risky waters of faith, with Jesus waiting to meet us in ways that will change us forever, deepen our character, and help us trust in God. Please join us!

FW Friends/Adult Formation

FW Friends and Adult Formation will begin on Tuesday, September 15th. We meet from 6:30 pm to 7:45 pm. We invite all children to the fun, games, crafts, snacks, Bible stories, and more that is for children, age 4 through Fifth grade. And we encourage the adults to come to a time of hearing from God through a study of His Word. The Adults will be studying the Book of Acts.

Youth/Young Adults

Here's a double blessing for you!
Beginning on September 12, we will be meeting on Saturday evenings at 6:30 p.m. to open God's Word, study the book of Proverbs (The Book of Fatherly Wisdom), and learn which traits exemplify Godly character. A Bible will be essential, and a Young's or Strong's Concordance will be very valuable in these studies.
Then, beginning on September 13, you will receive the opportunity on Sunday mornings, during the service, to share this wisdom with the younger ones while teaching Children's Church.
Those interested in joining us, please contact Christi Lewis, Phone: 720-0072, E-mail:

Adult Ensemble Music Meeting

On Sunday, September 20th there will be an Adult Ensemble rehearsal and music planning meeting in the sanctuary at 11:30. Anyone interested in sharing their gift of music with the congregation, please make plans to be at this meeting and bring your calendars. We will be planning special music for at least the month of October. Starting in October, we are hoping that the Adult Ensemble can rehearse and play on the first Sunday of every month and share in the worship service the second Sunday of the month. If you have questions or are unable to attend the meeting, please talk to Holly Robinson or Pastor Jim.

Small Group

The Small Group Bible Study will begin meeting on Thursday, September 17th, 2:15 pm, at the Klugs. This group meets every other week. We are currently studying the letter of 1 John. Please join us!

Unite For Life Banquet

Individuals from pro-life organizations and churches are invited to come together for one life changing event – to equip and empower the pro-life community and provide them with information on alternatives to abortion. The banquet is Thursday, September 24th, beginning with a reception at 5:30 pm, and dinner and program from 6:00 pm to 8:30 pm, at the Radisson Paper Valley Hotel. Tickets are $5.00. Please R.S.V.P. to Pastor Jim by September 7th.

Tree Farm Potluck

Join us on Sunday, September 20th, at 11:45 am, for a Tree Farm Potluck. Enjoy the conversation and the food, and hear updates of what has happened at the Tree Farm this summer. (Please bring some food to share.)

Wanted!! People Who Like To Camp!

The Tree Farm has room for you! When: Labor Day Weekend!
If you have never camped at the Tree Farm or you are a regular camper at the Tree Farm, campsites are available. Contact the Mentinks to reserve your site! or phone 920 787-3455. We are looking forward to seeing you there!

Volunteer Opportunity

Affinity Visiting Nurses Hospice is in need of volunteers for the following opportunities:
· Hospice Patient Volunteer. Volunteers are needed to sit with patients and provide

companionship, help the caregivers and offer emotional support to patients and families.
· Community Outreach Team. Volunteers are needed to sit on a committee to implement,

design and execute community events and awareness of hospice. Plan annual fundraiser

events to help offset costs to patients, represent hospice and help with marketing/PR.

Monthly meetings.
· Clerical Support. Volunteers are needed to assist with clerical duties including labeling and

assembly of mailings, assembly of charts and binders, filing, typing, data entry and shredding

of confidential waste paper.
For more information, please call 727-2000.

Health Benefits of Going to Church

(from the Samaritan Counseling Center)
Dr. David Elkins of the American Psychology Association has noted:
· The mortality rate for men who attend church is 25% lower than those who don’t. For women it is 35%.
· Hip-fracture patients who attend church on a regular basis walk longer distances and have less depression at discharge than those who don’t.
· Patients who depend on their faith for strength are three times more likely to survive open-heart surgery.
· Because people who attend church are about 10 times less likely to smoke, they suffer markedly lower rates of coronary artery disease, lung cancer, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease than others.
· In general people who attend church have stronger immune systems than those who don’t which contribute to their overall better health.
· Religious patients spend half as long per stay in the hospital as nonreligious patients.
· People with strong religious faith recover from depression 70% faster than those without a strong religious faith.
· When asked what was the most important factor in helping to cope with illness and recovery 42% of hospitalized patients cited their religious faith.
· The Alameda County Study, which followed nearly 7,000 people, showed that worshipers who participated in regular church-sponsored activities are markedly less stressed over finances, health, and other daily concerns than nonreligious people.

Wedding Anniversaries

7 Craig and Jenny Hoehne
9 Troy and Kristin Fisher
13 Alan and Julie Delikowski
16 Bob and Becky Luebker


5 Mike Woods
5 Jack Zoglman
9 Jodi Isom
10 Jacob Wolfe-Thorpe
14 Madyson Wasbelton
15 Scott Lewis
19 Rosemary Buelow
21 John Bowers
21 Nicolas Brazee
22 Diana DeBroux
22 Kristin Hoehne
24 Bob Luebker
24 Hsar Blut Moo
25 Beverly Strong
26 Mark Bachorz
29 Sasha Piunti