Thursday, August 27, 2009

Health Benefits of Going to Church

(from the Samaritan Counseling Center)
Dr. David Elkins of the American Psychology Association has noted:
· The mortality rate for men who attend church is 25% lower than those who don’t. For women it is 35%.
· Hip-fracture patients who attend church on a regular basis walk longer distances and have less depression at discharge than those who don’t.
· Patients who depend on their faith for strength are three times more likely to survive open-heart surgery.
· Because people who attend church are about 10 times less likely to smoke, they suffer markedly lower rates of coronary artery disease, lung cancer, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease than others.
· In general people who attend church have stronger immune systems than those who don’t which contribute to their overall better health.
· Religious patients spend half as long per stay in the hospital as nonreligious patients.
· People with strong religious faith recover from depression 70% faster than those without a strong religious faith.
· When asked what was the most important factor in helping to cope with illness and recovery 42% of hospitalized patients cited their religious faith.
· The Alameda County Study, which followed nearly 7,000 people, showed that worshipers who participated in regular church-sponsored activities are markedly less stressed over finances, health, and other daily concerns than nonreligious people.

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