Monday, November 30, 2009

December Newsletter

Dear Friends,

John Killinger, in his book, Christmas Spoken Here, writes,

"One day I was staring through the window of a beautiful little Christmas shop. It was packed with Christmas items, even though Christmas was still six months away. There were exquisite crèches from Italy, Germany and Norway. There were fuzzy-fazed elves and jolly old Santa Clauses, sleighs and reindeer of every size and description, bells and trees, and music boxes. There were nutcrackers and candles and electric lights, angels and wise men and little drummer boys, stars and snowmen and gingerbread cutouts. The little shop was fairly bursting with Christmas, and a loudspeaker broadcast a medley of Yuletide tunes. It was infectious, even in the summertime. And down in the corner of the front door, where no one could miss it, was the neatest touch of all. It was a small sign that said, “Christmas Spoken Here".”

The little shop Killinger describes sounds a lot like the Christmas store in Frankenmuth, Michigan, only Frankenmuth is a much larger store. Denise and I have been to Frankenmuth twice, and on both occasions have been impressed with the Christmas spirit of the shops and the people, no matter what time of year it is. (We visited in Fall and in Summer.) The huge Christmas store in Frankenmuth, may or may not have a sign, but it certainly has the spirit of “Christmas Spoken Here.”

I don’t know who said it, but a wise person suggested that “Christmas Spoken Here” is an appropriate slogan for the church. Think about that for a moment – Christmas brings kindness and gentleness. It creates good will and courtesy. It promotes peace and joy. These are attributes that seem to be prevalent during the Christmas season. Yet they are attitudes that Christ, “the reason for the season”, creates in us as those who follow Him. It started with the words of the angel, “Behold I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people. For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.” And each Christmas we share that joy with one another, even with people we don’t know. We give more freely, love more deeply, and care more sincerely than at any other time of the year.

Of course, Jesus did not mean to limit our Christmas spirit just to Christmas. Which gets us back to the slogan, “Christmas spoken here.” Such language is not reserved just for Christmas. Rather, like the small Christmas shop Killinger wrote about, and like the huge Christmas store in Frankenmuth, our Christmas speaking is to be year round. After all, the miracle of Christmas is the basis of all we do.

One person wrote: “The church ought always to speak Christmas. We ought always to be reminded of the Word God has spoken: the intelligible, important, and loving Word of His concern for us.” And then we need to speak it to others – throughout the year. Christmas is spoken here at WCBC. May it always be spoken clearly and lovingly in all we say and do.

Pastor Jim

Open House

Denise and I would be honored by your presence at our Annual Open House on Sunday, December 20th, from 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm. There will be many delicious foods and beverages, as well as great conversation between church friends. We look forward to seeing you! -- Pastor Jim

Newsletter Continued

When you get to the end of the column where you are reading this newsletter on our website, you are not yet finished. On the right hand side of the blog is a column that has a listing of the rest of the articles. It lists the articles by posting date. That means that the rest of the articles for December may be listed with a November date because they were posted at the end of the month. There is still much to read – so don’t forget to check the rest of the newsletter out.

Miracle On Main Street

An exciting Christmas musical titled, Miracle on Main Street, will be presented to our congregation by the children and youth of our church. It will be presented twice: on Saturday, December 19th, at 4:00 pm, and on Sunday, December 20th, at our 10:15 am worship service. So invite your neighbors, friends and relatives to a Christmas program you won’t want to miss!

Miracle On Main Street Rehearsals

In addition to the rehearsals taking place during Sunday School and Children’s Church, there will be a rehearsal following worship on Sunday, December 13th. Also, rehearsals will be held on Saturday, December 12th, from 9:00 am to Noon, and on Saturday, December 19th, from 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm.

Finding Spirit In The Season

(from Mayo Clinic Health Solutions)
To increase your holiday happiness this Christmas, try one or more of these ideas:
· Take part in a community sing-along.
· Bake and decorate cookies with your friends or family.
· Take a few moments for personal reflection, meditation or prayer.
· Revive a favorite spiritual tradition.
· Donate blood in honor of the armed forces or disaster victims.
· Take turns sharing a favorite holiday memory with co-workers.
· Donate to a charity in memory of a loved one.
· Ask your family or work group to help you sponsor a family in need or volunteer for an organization.
· Ask loved ones to share a favorite story, poem, reading or song – or create one of their own.

Alaska Children's Services

Alaska Children’s Services started in 1890 as the Jesse Lee Home in Unalaska out on the Aleutian Islands. It is now located in Anchorage.
In 1970 Jesse Lee Home, Anchorage Children’s Service, and Lutheran Youth Center were merged to form the Alaska Children’s Services.
Referrals come from the Department of Juvenile Justice, Health and Social Services, schools, physicians, and families. A child must have a diagnosis that qualifies them as severely emotionally disturbed.
Services that are provided include residential psychiatric treatment, home-based care, and therapeutic foster care. Residential treatment stays are 3-18 months, then transition to therapeutic foster care where clients receive home based services, case management, group and individual therapy, and skill development.
Typical kids: average age 14, sexually and/or physically abused, impacted by drugs and alcohol, and has been in at least five other out-of-home placements.
Alaska Children’s Services is one of the mission agencies supported by the American Baptist Churches, and is supported by our church this year through our mission giving.

Ten Commandments for Christmas

1. Thou shalt not leave “Christ” out of Christmas.

2. Thou shalt not value they gifts by their cost, for many shall signify love that is more blessed and beautiful than silver and gold.

3. Thou shalt give thyself with thy gifts. Thy love, thy personality, and thy service shall increase the value of thy gifts a hundredfold and he that receiveth them shall treasure them forever.

4. Thou shalt not let Santa Claus take the place of Christ, lest Christmas become a fairy tale rather than a sublime reality in the spiritual realm.

5. Thou shalt not burden thy servants, the salesperson, the mail carrier and the merchant. They all shall have your consideration.

6. Thou shalt not neglect the church. Its Christmas services are planned to help spiritualize the Christmas season for thee, thy family and thy friends.

7. Thou shalt not neglect the needy. Let they bountiful blessings be shared with the many who will go hungry and cold unless thou are generous at Christmas.

8. Thou shalt be as a little child. Christmas is the day of the Christ Child; not until thou has become in spirit as a little child art thou ready to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven.

9. Thou shalt prepare thy soul for Christmas. Verily most of us spend much time and money getting gifts ready, but few seconds in preparing our souls.

10. Thou shalt give thy heart to Christ. Let thy Christmas list have Christ in thy heart at the top as thy gift to Him this Christmas.

Youth/Young Adults

These are the dates and activities we have lined up for December:
· Wednesday, December 2 6:30-8:30
We'll be decorating the Christmas Tree!
Bring a wrapped ornament for the exchange!
· Saturday, December 5 10:30-1:00
Come to St. Paul's to help serve at Community Table.
· Saturday, December 12 9 - Noon
Play Practice
· Saturday, December 19 Noon - ?
· Sunday, December 20 9 am. -?
· Tuesday, December 22 6-8 p.m.
Ring Bells for Salvation Army
Contact Christi Lewis for more details! 720-0072

Community Table

Thank you to everyone who has given of themselves to help make Community Table the successful ministry it has been. Without the donations and the workers, we wouldn't be able to continue this service the first Saturday of each month. It is predicted that our numbers to feed will keep increasing.

If you are able to contribute at any level, it would be very much appreciated. Each month we need twenty (or more) pounds of meat - plus additional ingredients for the main course, three gallons of milk, one and a half gallons of juice, and various desserts. We are already blessed with
some generous members who donate the vegetables, fruit, and bread on a monthly basis. Would you please prayfully consider joining us with this mission?

Congregational Meeting

On Sunday, December 13th, following our Sunday worship, a Congregational Meeting will be held. At this meeting we will be electing church officers and ministry council members, voting on Velte Benevolent proposals, and voting on our 2010 Church Ministry Budget.

Retired Ministers and Missionaries Offering

Thank You check recipients and others who received financial assistance from the 2008 Retired Ministers and Missionaries Offering were overwhelmed by the generosity of American Baptist congregations in the midst of the most severe recession since the Great Depression. Contributions to the RMMO in 2008 totaled $1,358,537. Of that amount, 57% was distributed as Thank You checks to 3,238 retired American Baptist ministers, missionaries and their widowed spouses. 38% was made available to people with emergency and other heavy financial needs, and 5% was used for administrative expenses.

Church Finances

One of the bright spots to our giving the past several months is that for July through October we have received more in our general giving than we have spent. Thank you! However, as of the end of October we have spent more than we have received for the year so that our General Fund year-to-date balance is a negative $3,667. Please keep our finances before God in prayer. Thanks.

Christmas Eve Service

One of our great traditions is our annual Christmas Eve Candlelight service. It will be held at 6:00 pm on Thursday, December 24th.

Sunday School Update

There will be no Sunday School on Sunday, December 27th. Worship will be at the regular time of 10:15 am.

Out of Office

Pastor Jim will be out of the office from December 25 through December 28. However, he can be reached at 450-7680.

December Greeters

6 Judy Pfister
13 Judy Pfister
20 Becky Zoglman
24 Nancy Biettler
27 Becky Zoglman or Kathy Najdowski

We at WCBC have a need for Greeters. If you would like to help out with this easy, but vital ministry, please call Kathy Najdowski. (Greeters are needed for February and beyond.)

December Birthdays

2 Nathan Schwandt
4 Benjamin Romnek
4 Ellen Schwandner
4 Sara Taake
5 Elaine Bastian
11 Jeannie Grable
11 Barb Moravec
16 Andrew Zoglman
19 Dottie Friesen

23 Amy Taake
25 Tom Romnek
27 Kim Rose
28 Moo Khu Htoo
30 Judy Pfister
30 Kim Rose

December Wedding Anniversaries

6 Randy and Ellen Lehl
14 Ken and Nancy Biettler