Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Teenage Depression (from the Samaritan Counseling Center of the Fox Valley)

Teenage depression is one of the most prevalent emotional disturbances among high school students. Teenage depression is more than a day or two of the “blues.” It is a continuing, overwhelming feeling of sadness and helplessness that interferes with the teenager’s ability to carry on normally. Teenage depression is extremely painful and debilitating, and because it often is accompanied by thoughts of suicide, it can also be fatal. Symptoms to look for in teenage depression that may indicate a problem that needs to be addressed:
· Change in sleep patterns: too much sleep or difficulty sleeping
· Changes in appetite: noticeable weight loss or gain
· Inability to concentrate
· Feelings of excessive guilt
· Feelings of hopelessness, sadness
· Withdrawal from friends and family
· Changes in activity: slowed movement, monotonous speech or unexplained agitation,

fidgeting, pacing, and wringing hands
· Loss of energy
· A sudden drop in school performance
· Outbursts of shouting or complaining, unexplained irritability
· Neglect of personal appearance
· Crying
· Aggression: refusal to cooperate, antisocial behavior
· Use of alcohol or drugs
· Complaints of aching arms, legs or stomach when no cause can be found
· Perception of being ugly when not
· Loss of interest in activities
· Feeling that life isn’t worth living: recurring thoughts of death or suicide
· Risk taking behaviors
If a teenager is experiencing a number of these symptoms, call The Samaritan Counseling Center of the Fox Valley (886-9319).

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