Thursday, July 30, 2009

August 2009 Newsletter

Dear Friends,

Vacation Bible School is here! The planning for VBS has been going on since last winter. We have wonderful volunteers ready to serve the kids that will be coming, craft supplies have been purchased, a supper menu for Sunday night and a snack menu for all five nights of VBS have been set. Fun and exciting games have been planned, toe-tapping and hand-clapping music has been chosen, Bible exploration has been prepared, opening and closing exercises are waiting to be unveiled, and Chadder will help the kids know about Jesus in his special timid way. We’re ready! All we need now is for the kids to show up and bring a spirit of openness to what they learn.

Of course, what we hope they learn is how much Jesus loves them and how Jesus wants to be a part of their lives. That’s the basic, fundamental message of VBS. To be sure, this year’s theme, “Crocodile Dock – Where Fearless Kids Shine God’s Light” is filled with many fun activities – the kids won’t be able to help but have a great time. By the end of the week they will have many “gifts” to take home and many songs floating around in their heads and plenty of memories of having a great time at Whiting Community Baptist Church. And all of this we are extremely glad about.

But make no mistake about it – our primary goal is that they will hear about Jesus and see the love of Jesus through all of us. VBS is about making Jesus known to the kids. That is our mission. That is our hope.

To be honest, we don’t always know what our kids really hold onto in their hearts concerning Jesus when they leave here. Sometimes our leaders hear great questions from our kids that tell us they are hearing our message. And that gladdens our hearts. But whatever our kids are learning, whether it is making sense to them now, or will encourage them sometime later in life, we’re glad for. And we thank God for the opportunity to share Jesus.

The kids who come to our church need Jesus. They need to know how much He loves them. They need to hear the Good Friday story and the Easter Sunday story and what it means for them. Please pray that they will hear these messages.

The messages we will be presenting, and hoping the kids will hear, are the same messages that everyone needs to hear. Your neighbors need to hear the message of God’s love in Christ for them, as does your family and friends. The message of God’s love in Christ is not just for the young; it is for anyone who has never met Jesus and come to know Him. You may know someone like that. If so, God might be calling you to share the Good News of Jesus with that person. And if you did so, the same message we’re sharing in VBS is the message you would be sharing with that person. Again, it’s a message that everyone needs to hear.

Your faith is precious to you. Don’t be afraid to share it. It’s your hope. Help to make it someone’s hope as well.

Pastor Jim

Special VBS Activities

Please join us for these special Vacation Bible School Activities that everyone is invited to:
· Saturday, August 1st, 1:00 pm, VBS set-up
· Sunday, August 2nd, 5:00 pm, VBS Kick-off dinner
· Thursday, August 6th, 7:45 pm closing program
· Come each evening of VBS (August 2 – 6) to see what’s going on. VBS meets from 6 pm to 8:15 pm.

American Baptist International Ministries

More than a third of our world’s 6.6 billion people struggle for the basic necessities of life – food, water, shelter, clothing – on less than $2 a day. Poor people around the world work and want to work. But they need help to adequately meet their families’ needs. We believe it is not enough solely to give people necessities like food and water. We must also help them provide those basic needs for themselves.
Through our missionaries, global consultants and development workers, we are providing basic education and vocational training so people can build economic independence. We are helping people grow better crops and acquire good strains of cows, sheep and other animals to feed their families and generate income. And we are helping communities tap that most precious physical resource needed for life – water.
We do not work alone but in partnership with local people, who are uniquely able to identify needs, guide culturally appropriate responses, and provide local accountability.
All of our missionaries, global consultants and development workers share the good news of Jesus Christ while meeting human needs. Some focus on the ministry of creating economic opportunity and building futures.
One illustration of this is Scott and Tan Coates, who are missionaries of International Ministries and Mission to Unreached Peoples. From their home in Chiang Rai, Thailand, they engage in holistic leadership development ministries among the minority peoples that inhabit the hills of Northern Thailand and neighboring countries.
A second illustration is Chuck and Ruth Fox, who minister in economic development as well as evangelism, pastoral care, leadership development and women’s ministries. Through their work with approximately 75,000 Akha hilltribe people in Northern Thailand, there has been an increase of self-sufficiency programs involving pig-raising, handicraft development, and crops. In a land where opium trade is a constant reality, three villages have embraced the planting of coffee. Another source of income has developed from the Akha Craft program, which even includes an Internet store, which you will want to visit,
Our American Baptist Missionaries are dedicated to sharing the Good News of Jesus in many different ways. Thanks for your support of them.

Going Round-A-Bout Road Construction?

Do you know what a “local traffic only” sign means? Do you have an alternate way to get home? To work? To your favorite restaurant? Do you know how to navigate a round a bout? “Going Round-A-Bout Road Construction?” is a program being offered by Kim Rudat from the DOT. It’s about the current road construction issues facing drivers and walkers today. Come and learn how to get around in the world of construction and round-a-bouts on Thursday, August 6, at 10 am at the Menasha Senior Center, 116 Main St., Menasha. This is a free event and open to the public.

Puppet Ministry Training (for Youth and Adults)

One Way Street, a prominent name in puppet ministry, is holding a one day workshop for all who are interested in training for puppet ministry. “SummerFest” will be held on Saturday, August 22nd, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm at the Salvation Army, 1525 Appleton Rd in Menasha. The cost is normally $26. However, scholarship funds are available to the first six people. If you are interested in attending, register with Denise Schmitz no later than August 6th.

International Student Hosting

Fox Valley Technical College currently has about 25 international scholarship students living with host families in the area and attending college. These international scholarship students come from all parts of the world, and a portion of their scholarship requires them to live with host families for the first year of their studies in America.
FVTC has 35 new international students arriving in August for the academic year and are needing homes for them when they arrive. Students will be arriving from Central America, Mexico, Haiti, the Dominican Republic, Germany, Armenia, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Japan, Switzerland, France and South Korea. At this time there is still a need to place students from the countries you see in bold.
If you would like more information about hosting an international student, and the benefits you could experience, contact Aaron Gorenc at 735-4728, or email him at

Pastor Jim at the Academy

Pastor Jim will participating in the Academy for Spiritual Formation from August 11 through August 16. For pastoral assistance, Pastor Jim can be reached on his cell phone at 920-450-7680.

Summer Worship Specials

Our worship is always special, but there are a couple of events that will add a very special touch to our worship experiences in August. On Sunday, August 23rd, Amanda Isom will be sharing her experiences of Africa with us. And on August 30th, Kaylee Isom , Abbey Lewis and Jeanne Grable will be baptized.

Church Finances

As of the end of June, we are in the red, (or in the negative), $4,556. For the first 6 months of the year, we have had two positive months in the black, and four months that have been in the red, including May and June. This is a concern. Please pray for our church as we struggle during these difficult economic times.

Congregational Meeting

On Sunday, August 9th, following worship, we will hold a Congregational Meeting. The purpose of the meeting is to vote on the Ministry Council’s recommendations of membership for the following prospective members: Jack and Becky Zoglman, Jeanne Grable, Abbey Lewis and Kaylee Isom.

Down Memory Lane

You’re showing your age if you remember . . .
· Metal ice cube trays with levers
· Roller-skate keys
· Drive-in movies
· Topo Gigio
· The Fuller Brush Man
· 15-cent McDonald’s hamburgers
· 5-cent packs of baseball cards
· Jiffy Pop popcorn
· Green stamps
· Burma Shave signs
· Brownie camera or flash bulbsTimmy and Lassie

August Greeters

2 Trudi Woods
9 RoseMary Buelow
16 Trudi Woods
23 Kathy Najdowski
30 RoseMary Buelow