Monday, March 29, 2010

April 2010 Newsletter

Dear Friends,
Among my collection of photographs is one of my younger sister and myself when we were quite young. I was seven and Kathy was five. The photograph was taken on Easter Sunday. Kathy had on a new Easter dress, and I had on a new Easter suit coat and hat. It was a special day. We were on our way to church to celebrate the risen Christ. And no doubt we looked forward to getting home after worship and searching for our Easter baskets!
Kathy and I were not the only ones to have new Easter clothes that Easter Sunday. In fact, new clothes for Easter has been a tradition for many people for a long time. I’m not sure when the tradition started or why it began. But I wonder if it has something to do with the “newness” that Easter seems to symbolize. All around us on Easter there is newness. There are probably new flowers growing in our gardens, and new tree buds budding from our trees. The spring rains wash away the old snow and new, fresh grass grows in its place. There are new chores to be done such as “spring-cleaning.” And there is new hope in our lives as the days get longer and warmer. Of course what we really celebrate on Easter is the new life that is promised to us because Jesus rose from the dead. It is not only a new life that is promised to us after we die, but a new life we can experience right here and now as we give ourselves to God and learn to live in his ways. When we do so we learn new ways of seeing, new ways of doing things, new perspectives, new hopes, and we dream new dreams that are given to us by the Holy Spirit.
The Apostle Paul wrote the congregation in Ephesus that they were to “Clothe” themselves with the new self, “created according to the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness.” And when Paul wrote the congregation known as the Colossians, he got very specific. He wrote, “Clothe yourselves with tenderhearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. Make allowance for each other’s faults, and forgive anyone who offends you…Above all clothe yourselves with love, which binds us all together in perfect harmony (Colossians 3:12-14.)
What does all this mean? As Easter people we are to live differently because of Jesus’ resurrection. We are not to stay the same. How we look at life and how we live life is to have a God-directed emphasis. It’s like putting on new Easter clothes. We’re new people! We are God-seeking people. Jesus’ resurrection makes all the difference. We are Easter people!
How is your life different because of Easter? Has it brought you closer to God in prayer and worship? Has it changed the way you think and act? Are you kinder and gentler, patient and forgiving because of Easter’s impact on you? In the power of Christ’s resurrection are you filled not only with new hope but a new way of living life?
Let’s put on new Easter clothes. Not the kind you find at a department store. But the kind that comes from allowing the beauty of the resurrection to impact all aspects of our lives.

Happy Easter!
Pastor Jim

Good Friday Worship Service

We have been invited by Faith United Methodist church, across the street from us, to join them in their Noon Good Friday service, on Friday, April 2nd. Pastor Jim will share in leading this short, holy service.

Easter Breakfast

The Ministry Council is hosting our annual Easter Breakfast on Easter Sunday, April 4th, beginning at 8:45 am. The suggested donation is $5 for adults, $2.50 for children under 12, with a maximum of $15 for the immediate family. This year’s menu includes: pancakes, omelets, sausage, muffins, fresh fruit, milk and coffee. Proceeds will go towards our church’s ministry with Community Table. Please sign up on the back table or call the church office at 722-4312 for your reservations. (There will be no Sunday School on Easter.)

Vacation Bible School

Imagine . . . a child hearing about God’s love for the first time . . . kids worshipping in powerful ways . . . children praying for each other . . . adults and teens modeling Jesus’ love to children . . . the kids in our church sharing gifts of love with children who are hurting . . . children serving each other.
This summer, let’s transform our church into a magnificent ship! Be a part of the Vacation Bible School at Whiting Community Baptist Church during August 1st to 5th. It’s our goal to reach 75 kids with this ministry. That’s 75 kids who will grow in their relationship with God!
We’re praying this awesome VBS program will touch children’s hearts and lives with God’s love. Help kids in our community discover that
· God’s Word is true
· God’s Word is comforting
· God’s Word is surprising
· God’s Word is life-changing
· God’s Word is for everyone.
As we plan and prepare for High Seas Expedition, our team would cherish your prayers. Pray that God would give us wisdom in planning. Pray for the right staff members to join our team. And pray that God would begin working in the hearts of the children who will come to High Seas Expedition!
Watch for more information about this exciting ministry event. (You can also call Denise Schmitz for more information or to volunteer.)

American Baptist International Missionaries

(Ed and Miriam Noyes are missionaries in the Congo, where they have served for over 25 years.)
Based at the Lusekele agricultural resource center, Ed focuses on training Congolese technicians and promoting more productive, profitable and sustainable farming techniques, while Miriam has worked in the field of education. In 1995, Miriam was asked to develop a literacy program since many Congolese women and youth are marginalized or impoverished because they cannot read and write effectively. This was a monumental challenge. Miriam spent more than two years finding materials and learning how to teach in four languages: Lingala (spoken in the capital city of Kinshasa and parts of Bandundu province), Kikongo (the language of Bas-Congo, east of Kinshasa), Kituba (spoken primarily in Bandundu province), and French.
Miriam writes: Since 1998, I have worked with a core of dedicated Christians who teach classes, write materials and train and supervise other literacy teachers and classes. The result has been that three-quarters of the Baptist churches in Kinshasa now have neighborhood literacy classes. Approximately 5,000 graduates have come from this program with most of today’s women’s leadership in Kinshasa churches being among the graduates.”
There have also been approximately 150 literacy classes scattered in the rural areas, including one with an aboriginal pygmy people, the Twa. They are eager to learn more about the Good News that is found in Christ!

One Day At A Time

There are two days in every week about which we should not worry, not feel fear and apprehension. One of these days is Yesterday, with its mistakes and cares, its faults and blunders, and its aches and pains.
Yesterday has passed forever beyond our control. All the money in the world cannot bring back yesterday. We cannot undo a single act we performed. We cannot erase a single word we said. Yesterday is gone.
Another day we shouldn’t worry about is Tomorrow. Tomorrow is beyond our immediate control. Tomorrow’s sun will rise, whether in splendor or behind a mask of clouds. But it will rise. Until it does, we have no stake in tomorrow.
This leaves only one day – Today. Anyone can fight the battles of just one day. It is when you and I add the burdens of these two awful eternities – Yesterday and Tomorrow – that we break down. Let us therefore live One Day At A Time. – author unknown

Rainbow Acres

Rainbow Acres, one of the ministries our church is supporting this year through your mission giving, is a Christian community that empowers persons with developmental disabilities to live to his/her fullest potential with dignity and purpose.
Rainbow Acres opened its doors in 1974. Dr. Ralph Showers opened Rainbow Acres as a small, ranch-style community. Today it covers 27 acres and is home to nearly 100 ranchers. The ranch is located in Arizona’s scenic Verde Valley. Rainbow Acres provides safe and loving homes for adults with developmental disabilities and is a place that challenges them to reach their fullest physical, emotional and spiritual potential.
A Learning Center helps the ranchers expand their personal horizons with personal instruction to improve reading, math, language and cognitive skills, as well as practical information such as washing clothes and making a meal. In addition to the Learning Center there are Health and Wellness programs for nutrition, exercise and emotional balance; Spiritual Health programs for faith development; Therapeutic Programs; Tetra Equine therapy where ranchers groom and care for animals; Neuro Development therapy and other Enrichment programs such as Special Olympics, rancher choir, and boy scouts.

Camp Tamarack

Hello all campers! Soon the camping season for children and youth at Camp Tamarack will be here. Camp fires, swimming, canteen, fun and games, Bible Studies, meeting new friends – are among the many reasons people attend camp year after year. Will you be among them? Partial scholarships are available through our church, and there is other financial assistance available through the American Baptist Churches of Wisconsin, making camping at Camp Tamarack affordable. Below are the camp dates. If you are interested, let Pastor Jim know. He also has forms available if you do not have one. (More information is available on the bulletin board and from Pastor Jim.)
· Primary Camp (for those completing grades 1 and 2). June 20-23. cost: $130.
· Middler Camp (for those completing grades 3 and 4). June 20-26. cost: $225.
· Junior Camp (for those completing grades 5 and 6). July 4-10. cost: $235.
· Junior High Camp (for those completing grades 7 and 8). July 11-17. cost: $235.
· Senior High Camp (for those completing grades 9 through 12). June 13-19. cost: $235.

Additional Camp Tamarack Experiences

There are more than just camping experiences for children and youth at Camp Tamarack. Here are some of the other activities and camping experiences:
· Mini Mission Weekend (includes work projects, cleaning, etc.) Friday, May 14 – Sunday, May 16. Reservations required. Call Jane Mathison at 800-311-3140.
· Young at Heart Camp (for ages 50+). June 7-10. Cost is from $90 to $115.
· Do Your Own Thing Camp. June 27 – July 3. $30 per person/per day – ages 0 to 4 are free. (Includes 3 meals a day; no programming.)
· Family Camp (for families of all ages.) July 1-4. Ages 18+ -- $150; Ages 5-17 -- $80, Ages 0-4 – Free.
· There is also a need for cabin leaders for the camps with children and youth. Call Jane Mathison if you are interested at 800-311-3140.

Best Friends Rock-N-Bowl

Best Friends of Neenah and Menasha, is holding their 5th Annual Rock-N-Bowl to support area mentoring programs. This event is being held on the weekend of April 24-25. Whiting Community Baptist will have 7 bowlers participating and forming a team (or teams) representing our church. The bowlers are: Pastor Jim and Denise, Barb Moravec, Pat and Christi Lewis, and Mike and Roxane Kesselhon. The purpose of the Rock-N-Bowl is to raise funds. So if you would like to sponsor any of the bowlers through a pledge (any amount is welcome - $10 is a ballpark figure), let us know! We would be very happy to have you sponsor us and our team as WCBC raises support for Best Friends as a mission outreach to help a worthy organization in its mission to help kids. (If you are interested in bowling for Best Friends, contact Pastor Jim or Best Friends directly at 729-5600.)

Tree Farm Potluck

The people who attend the Tree Farm Potlucks are people that like to cook, eat, and enjoy each others company. You could be a part of this group. Our next scheduled potluck is Sunday, April 25th following the worship service. We will be making plans for the up-coming workday at the Tree Farm on Saturday, May 15th. Come and join us!

Things to Ponder

· I had amnesia once – maybe twice.
· I went to San Francisco. I found someone’s heart.
· All I ask is a chance to prove money can’t make me happy.
· They told me I was gullible, and I believed them.
· What if there were no hypothetical questions?
· One nice thing about egotists is that they don’t talk about other people.
· I used to be indecisive. Now, I’m not sure.
· If swimming is so good for your figure, how do you explain whales?
· Is it my imagination, or do buffalo wings taste like chicken?

Pastor Jim Out-of-Office

Pastor Jim will be out of the office from April 5 through April 11. Should you need pastoral assistance during this time, please contact Pastor Jon Gallatin at Gloria Dei Lutheran Church. His number is: 725-6822.

Pastor Jim will also be out of the office to attend his last week at the Academy of Spiritual Formation from Monday, April 26th through Saturday, May 1st. You can reach Pastor Jim on his cell phone at (920) 450-7680.

All Church Rummage Sale

Plans are being made to hold an all-church rummage sale! We will need donated items of good quality. We will also need helpers. If you are willing to donate or help, please contact Donna Mentink – phone (920) 787-3455 or local cell phone (920) 213-5978, or email Donna at At this time we only have two people who have indicated they have items to donate. We will need your help to make this worthwhile. Proceeds will benefit several church programs. The date is tentatively set for Saturday, April 17th. Your phone calls or emails will indicate if we proceed with this fund raiser.

Church Finances

Through the month of February, we are $1,050 behind in our General Fund Forecast, and $383 behind in our Mission Fund Forecast. However, we have received $1,098 in Special Mission gifts. Because of funds given last year towards this year’s budget we are currently $947 in the black.

Baptist Light Articles

Anyone wishing to submit an article to the Baptist Light may contact Pastor Jim at 722-4312. You may call him with your details, submit PC diskettes or printed material. Please have articles to him by the 20th of each month to allow time to print by the 1st of each month.

April Greeters

April 4 Sheila Piunti
April 11 Sheila Piunti
April 18 Judy Pfister
April 25 Judy Pfister

(We are grateful to Kathy Najdowski for scheduling our greeters. If you would like to help in greeting, please give Kathy a call.)

Arpil Wedding Anniversaries

22 Jeff & Jenne Steffen

April Birthdays

1 Tina Voigt
2 Brittany Lieske
3 Alex Demarais
6 Veronica Smith
10 Amy Searles
12 Debbie Burrows
12 Scott Harrington
13 Bruce LaMarche
15 William Hoehne
15 Debbie Hudson
15 Alyce Leifermann
16 Alicia Romnek
16 Jeff Steffen
21 Kathy Najdowski
22 Amanda Isom
23 Jon Moravec
26 Tom Schroder
28 Jane Tennant