Monday, March 29, 2010

Vacation Bible School

Imagine . . . a child hearing about God’s love for the first time . . . kids worshipping in powerful ways . . . children praying for each other . . . adults and teens modeling Jesus’ love to children . . . the kids in our church sharing gifts of love with children who are hurting . . . children serving each other.
This summer, let’s transform our church into a magnificent ship! Be a part of the Vacation Bible School at Whiting Community Baptist Church during August 1st to 5th. It’s our goal to reach 75 kids with this ministry. That’s 75 kids who will grow in their relationship with God!
We’re praying this awesome VBS program will touch children’s hearts and lives with God’s love. Help kids in our community discover that
· God’s Word is true
· God’s Word is comforting
· God’s Word is surprising
· God’s Word is life-changing
· God’s Word is for everyone.
As we plan and prepare for High Seas Expedition, our team would cherish your prayers. Pray that God would give us wisdom in planning. Pray for the right staff members to join our team. And pray that God would begin working in the hearts of the children who will come to High Seas Expedition!
Watch for more information about this exciting ministry event. (You can also call Denise Schmitz for more information or to volunteer.)

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