Monday, February 28, 2011

March 2011 WCBC Newsletter

Dear Friends,

“Then Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, and proclaiming the good news of the kingdom, and curing every disease and every sickness.” (Matthew 9:35)

Recognizing that all people are made in God’s image and are loved by God, all churches must reach across cultural, social, economic and racial lines with practical acts of love within the church and the community. Our ministries should address physical, social, emotional and spiritual needs of individuals – particularly the needy, forgotten and defenseless.

One way we can help is through our church’s support of the America for Christ Offering. This year’s theme – “Touching Lives, Transforming People” – is an encouraging reminder that Jesus’ public ministry was all about hope for people in need. With his hands, Jesus touched, comforted, prayed and blessed people. With those same hands Jesus restored sight to the blind, made the lame walk and miraculously fed the 5,000. What will our gifts do? They will help us continue the healing ministry of Jesus. Specifically, our gifts to the America for Christ Offering will support:
· Children in Poverty Grants that support families
· Burmese Ministries in support of the Chin, Kachin and Karen refugees
· Rebuilding efforts in the Gulf
· Neighborhood Action Programs such as the Milwaukee Christian Center
· American Baptists Churches of Wisconsin work with pastoral search committees
· ABC/WI on-going counsel and support of congregations
· And much more

In Jesus, we have both the model and the strength to “touch and transform” people in the church and the community. It is our personal walk with the Lord that transforms and enables us through the power of Christ to live not for ourselves, but to serve God by serving our neighbors. Our hands and our financial gifts become the tools of Christ in a world of need and opportunity. Christ’s work of transformation is accomplished when we step into the lives of people around us.

Please join me in giving generously to the America for Christ Offering 2011, so that together we will touch and transform lives for the cause of Christ.

Pastor Jim

An America for Christ Offering Story

Children in Poverty Grants that Help Families

Preparing children to return to school after summer break can be a considerable expense for families. When Janet Newell, founder and board president of Referral, Opportunities, Advocacy and Resources (ROAR) in Seattle, Wash., heard about the Children in Poverty (CiP) grants offered by American Baptist Home Mission Societies (ABHMS), she did not pass up the opportunity to apply.

ROAR was awarded a grant last year, enabling the organization to provide backpacks, a full complement of school supplies and shoe vouchers to 329 Seattle school children. “The grant equipped these kids for the school year, while enabling their parents to save money that can be used to cover rent, groceries, light bills and other urgent expenses,” says Newell. “Thank you for what you have done for 329 students in Seattle.”

ROAR began as a ministry of Seattle First Baptist Church to ease the burdens of the homeless and disadvantaged in Seattle’s King County who are seeking education and employment. ROAR has grown and expanded its community partnerships and presently operates independently of First Baptist Church.

The CiP grant fund has existed since 2009, and any American Baptist-related entity—from local congregations to Christian Centers or other community agencies—is eligible to apply in the spring of the year. The only criterion is that the proposal address at least one area of need related to children struggling to overcome the limitations of poverty. In 2009, 15 grants were awarded. In 2010, 20 grants were awarded. Your gifts to the America for Christ Offering support this grant fund and provide care to children who may not otherwise receive it.

"Help for the Homeless"

Helping the Homeless: “Do they use their last $10 to buy diapers, medicine, or gas so that they can drive to work?” -- Julie Coenan, LEAVEN staff member.

We are collecting NEW hygiene and cleaning items for local homeless shelters and crisis agencies through WEMI and WEMY Radio’s 19th annual “Help for the Homeless” campaign, March 1 – 27. Please place your donations in the Help for the Homeless collection box located in the back of the sanctuary. Supplying items will help area shelters serve those in need. Most requested items include laundry detergent, garbage bags, dental and hair care items, diapers and baby care, tissue, etc. (For a complete list, see the hallway bulletin board.) Your donations remain in this community. Agencies receiving supplies in our area include the Emergency Shelter, LEAVEN, Salvation Army, Fox Cities Community Health Center, etc. For more details call 800-236-9364 or visit

Pastor Jim Retiring

As most of you know, Pastor Jim will be retiring from full-time pastoral ministry this coming summer. For over 19 years, Pastor Jim has pastored Whiting Community Baptist Church. Moderator Tom Romnek and the Ministry Council are in the process of bringing together a Pastoral Search Committee. Additional information on the search process will be available at a later time. In the meantime, please pray for our church during this time of transition, and for Pastor Jim and Denise.

Daylight Savings Time

Daylight Savings Time begins on Sunday, March 13th. Remember to set your clocks one hour ahead on Saturday before going to bed as we “spring forward.”


Lent officially begins on Wednesday, March 9th.

Free Yard Help for Neenah-Menasha Residents

April 16th is Global Youth Service day and Neenah/Menasha Noon Optimists would like to give back to their community. Local youth that are served through Noon Optimists (The Arc, Boys and Girls Brigade, Neenah/Menasha Best Friends Seitan Junior Optimists and Youth Go) will do minor service for community members in need. We are currently planning on doing minor lawn care if the weather permits. What we need are community members that would benefit from this service addresses so we have places to go. AmeriCorps volunteers will be helping as well. If you can benefit from this service, please contact Neenah/Menasha Noon Optimist President Dale Devries at or by calling (920) 722-1435 Thank you very much!

Our Deepest Sympathy

With great sadness we express our sympathy to Roxanne and Nathan Schwandt at the death of husband/father, Tom. Pray for God’s comfort and strength to be with Roxanne and Nathan during these difficult days.

Tree Farm Potluck

A Tree Farm Potluck will be held on Sunday, March 13th, following our morning worship. Please join us for great food and conversation. (Please bring food to share.)

Worth Repeating

The 7 modern sins:
Politics without principles
Pleasures without conscience
Wealth without work
Knowledge without character
Industry without morality
Science without humanity
Worship without sacrifice
By Canon Frederic Donaldson

"Saint Patrick's Breastplate (Old Irish Prayer)

I rise today
With the power of God to pilot me,
God’s strength to sustain me,
God’s wisdom to guide me,
God’s eye to look ahead for me,
God’s ear to hear me,
God’s word to speak for me,
God’s hand to protect me,
God’s way before me,
God’s shield to defend me,
God’s host to deliver me,
from snares of devils,
from evil temptations,
from nature’s failings,
from all who wish to harm me,
far or near,
alone and in a crowd.

The Laws of Parenting

1. The later you stay up, the earlier your child will wake up the next morning.
2. For a child to become clean, something else must become dirty.
3. Toys multiply to fill any space available.
4. The longer it takes you to make a meal, the less your child will like it.
5. Yours is always the only child who doesn’t behave.
6. If the shoe fits … it’s expensive.
7. The surest way to get something done is to tell a child not to do it.
8. The gooier the food, the more likely it is to end up on the carpet.
9. Backing the car out of the driveway causes your child to have to go to the bathroom.

March Birthdays

1 Austin Grade
4 Sheila Piunti
10 Becky Luebker
11 Randy Lehl
12 Emma Delikowski
13 George Strohmeyer
17 Alan Delikowski
18 Jacob Brazee
18 Ashley Moravec
18 Paula Mongan
20 Cathy Brazee
23 Mu Nay Blu Paw
24 Joshua Wolfe
29 Mary Hill
29 Brett Lewis

March Anniversaries

31 Mark & Tina Bachorz