Monday, February 28, 2011

"Help for the Homeless"

Helping the Homeless: “Do they use their last $10 to buy diapers, medicine, or gas so that they can drive to work?” -- Julie Coenan, LEAVEN staff member.

We are collecting NEW hygiene and cleaning items for local homeless shelters and crisis agencies through WEMI and WEMY Radio’s 19th annual “Help for the Homeless” campaign, March 1 – 27. Please place your donations in the Help for the Homeless collection box located in the back of the sanctuary. Supplying items will help area shelters serve those in need. Most requested items include laundry detergent, garbage bags, dental and hair care items, diapers and baby care, tissue, etc. (For a complete list, see the hallway bulletin board.) Your donations remain in this community. Agencies receiving supplies in our area include the Emergency Shelter, LEAVEN, Salvation Army, Fox Cities Community Health Center, etc. For more details call 800-236-9364 or visit

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