Monday, June 30, 2008

July Newsletter

Dear Friends,

Several weeks ago we had a luncheon to recognize the various ways people of our church family are involved in ministries outside our church and in our community. We came up with quite a list of community ministries where our church family serves others with the love of Christ. Here is the list we came up with (though I am sure there are other organizations we did not remember at the time). We have volunteers at:

Theda Clark, the Boys and Girls Service Brigade, the Community Clothes Closet, Habitat for Humanity, the VNA and Gardenview; Community Table, Camp Tamarack, Muscular Dystrophy Association, SHARE, in area schools, Scouts, Salvation Army, visitation to shut-ins, activities for Veterans, and various Mission trips.

I was quite impressed and amazed to hear of all the ways our church family touches the lives of people in our community and beyond. Thanks for serving in such wonderful and unselfish ways!

I’m also very, very thankful for the many volunteers who serve our church’s ministry. If we were to take a look at our church’s annual report we would quickly become aware of those who serve as volunteer staff, on the Ministry Council, teach Sunday School, etc. In fact, if I were to list all the volunteers who serve our church and the various ministries they are engaged in, I would need many more pages! So I want to thank all of you who willingly and unselfishly serve our church through the ministries you have committed your time and energy to. Our church serves Christ and our congregation because of your love and dedication. Thank you!

Many people are involved in ministry in our church. To be sure, it takes a lot of people and a lot of effort to be effective in our ministries. Therefore, I want to let you know of some ministries within our church where we are in need of committed people who want to serve Christ and our church. We are looking for volunteers to help with these ministries:
· Sunday School Superintendent
· Special Events Ministry
· Fellowship Coordinator
· Worship volunteer staff person
· People to help Scott Fesko with care of our property

All of these ministry opportunities are important to the life and ongoing ministry of our church. Pray and ask God if God is calling you to one of these ministry opportunities. Contact me if you have any questions about what the ministry entails. Be aware that there is training and support for each of these ministries. Know that you will be a blessing to our church and to God.

In Christ,
Pastor Jim

Update on Refugee Family

Moo Khu Htoo and his family are ready to move into a duplex! They will be moving on July 8th, to a three bedroom duplex in Neenah. They are excited about the move and we’re excited with them!
Their move will take place in the afternoon and evening of July 8th. We are looking for volunteers to help pick up furniture and deliver it to them. Tom and Kathy Schroder are helping to coordinate the move. Please call them if you can help with vehicles for moving as well as the actual pickup and delivery of furniture and other household items. You can also call Pastor Jim for information.
Moo Khu Htoo’s family has been quite active around our church. They are worshiping God with us on Sunday mornings, and helping on Tuesday evenings with VBS decorations. They helped at our Tree Farm workday, and Moo Khu Htoo and his son, Hsar Blut Moo, joined several of us at the Memorial Day parade and later at Riverside park. Moo Khu Htoo’s family has been greatly assisted by the Schroders, who have driven them to appointments concerning their housing, medical needs, and job applications. Moo Khu Htoo and his family have also received tutoring by Amber, Abby, and Chrisiti Lewis, and Pastor Jim.
Moo Khu Htoo’s family are looking forward to meeting a couple of their cousins, soon, who live in Milwaukee. They are also looking forward to getting jobs.
Eight-year old Hsar Blut Moo was enrolled at Coolidge school in Neenah for the last three weeks of the school year, and did well. He will be attending Summer School and will even have two weeks completed by time you read this article! His little sister, Mu Nay Blu Paw is starting to walk! What a delight it is to see her taking her first steps.
Our refugee family are delightful people. Sometimes we don’t understand them, and they don’t understand us. However, more and more we are learning to communicate with one another. Let us continue to warmly welcome them in the name of Jesus.

Church Landscaping

Around our church sign, around the trees, in pots, along side our building - you will see some beautiful flowers and other landscaping. Our thanks to Sharon and Scott Fesko, and Nancy and Kenny Biettler in the use of their "green thumbs" in helping our church look very attractive!

The National Youth Gathering (MtW - More Than A Week)

Four of our youth and two youth leaders will be attending the National Youth Gathering in Estes Park, Colorado, from
July 5 – 11. Please pray for our attendees: Leah Bowers, Lori Bowers, Scott Lewis, Christi Lewis, Amy Taake, and Amanda Isom.

Vacation Bible School

This year’s Vacation Bible School is Power Lab… Discovering Jesus’ Miraculous Power. Power Lab is Sunday through Thursday, August 3 – 7 from 6:00 to 8:15 PM. VBS week is always an exciting time for our church, and there are many ways that everyone can help to make it a great week. Here is how you can help:
· Prayer- specific prayer requests are available on the VBS table
· Volunteers- before, during and after VBS
· Spread the word- Word of mouth is the best publicity. Tell neighbors, friends and relatives.
· Registration- Pre-registration is very helpful. (Registration forms will be available on July 6.)
· Donations of food and supplies- Lists of items will be out on July 6

Our Kick-Off Dinner will be August 3 at 5:00 and the Final closing will be August 7 at 7:45. Please join us! Feel free to stop in anytime during the week.

Here are some important dates and meetings for our VBS:
· On Tuesday, July 1st, at 6:30 pm, a VBS Planning Meeting will be held for all members of the VBS Planning Team
· On Tuesday, July 29th, a VBS Orientation and Training Meeting will be held for all adult and youth volunteers. The meeting will be held at 6:30 pm.
· On Saturday, August 2nd, at 2:00 pm, VBS set-up will begin. Please join us in helping to set up our VBS.
· On Sunday, August 3rd, following our worship service, VBS set-up will continue.

American Baptist International Missions

We give God praise and thanks for:
· Missionaries who are serving in places of crisis and disaster, such as Nicaragua, which has been ravaged by Hurricane Felix, and Jamaica, which was devastated by Hurricane Dean. We thank God for David and Laura Parajon, who are working with our partners in Nicaragua, and Tim Long, who visited our partners in Jamaica to assess damage, to provide immediate relief and to partner for long-term programs of redevelopment.
· Missionaries who are working to confront health care crisis around the world – like the outbreak of the Ebola virus in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. We give God praise for the courageous efforts of Dr. Bill Clemmer and Ann Clemmer, as well as Katherine and Wayne Niles who help coordinate treatment and the delivery of needed medicines and supplies to remote village hospitals, where the sick and suffering are.
· Missionaries who continue to be led of the Holy Spirit to set the captives free from human trafficking and forced prostitution in Europe, Asia, and Africa. We are grateful to God for their efforts in business-as-mission, to provide educational and economic opportunities for women so they can continue to walk in the freedom they have gained through this Christ-like ministry.­­from International Ministries Update, Vol.12, No. 7

Thank you for your support!

Our Pampered Chef fundraiser, with proceeds helping those attending the National Youth Gathering in Colorado this month, raised $520! Thank you for your purchases and support. And a special thank you to Roxanne Schwandt, who forewent her commission and donated it to the youth for this project!

Hospital Dolls

Several of our church family have been busy making Hospital Dolls for Theda Clark’s Children’s Hospital. These dolls help kids explain their medical problems to their doctors. Our church volunteers made 114 dolls! What a wonderful ministry. Thanks!