Monday, June 30, 2008

July Newsletter

Dear Friends,

Several weeks ago we had a luncheon to recognize the various ways people of our church family are involved in ministries outside our church and in our community. We came up with quite a list of community ministries where our church family serves others with the love of Christ. Here is the list we came up with (though I am sure there are other organizations we did not remember at the time). We have volunteers at:

Theda Clark, the Boys and Girls Service Brigade, the Community Clothes Closet, Habitat for Humanity, the VNA and Gardenview; Community Table, Camp Tamarack, Muscular Dystrophy Association, SHARE, in area schools, Scouts, Salvation Army, visitation to shut-ins, activities for Veterans, and various Mission trips.

I was quite impressed and amazed to hear of all the ways our church family touches the lives of people in our community and beyond. Thanks for serving in such wonderful and unselfish ways!

I’m also very, very thankful for the many volunteers who serve our church’s ministry. If we were to take a look at our church’s annual report we would quickly become aware of those who serve as volunteer staff, on the Ministry Council, teach Sunday School, etc. In fact, if I were to list all the volunteers who serve our church and the various ministries they are engaged in, I would need many more pages! So I want to thank all of you who willingly and unselfishly serve our church through the ministries you have committed your time and energy to. Our church serves Christ and our congregation because of your love and dedication. Thank you!

Many people are involved in ministry in our church. To be sure, it takes a lot of people and a lot of effort to be effective in our ministries. Therefore, I want to let you know of some ministries within our church where we are in need of committed people who want to serve Christ and our church. We are looking for volunteers to help with these ministries:
· Sunday School Superintendent
· Special Events Ministry
· Fellowship Coordinator
· Worship volunteer staff person
· People to help Scott Fesko with care of our property

All of these ministry opportunities are important to the life and ongoing ministry of our church. Pray and ask God if God is calling you to one of these ministry opportunities. Contact me if you have any questions about what the ministry entails. Be aware that there is training and support for each of these ministries. Know that you will be a blessing to our church and to God.

In Christ,
Pastor Jim

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