Monday, June 30, 2008

Update on Refugee Family

Moo Khu Htoo and his family are ready to move into a duplex! They will be moving on July 8th, to a three bedroom duplex in Neenah. They are excited about the move and we’re excited with them!
Their move will take place in the afternoon and evening of July 8th. We are looking for volunteers to help pick up furniture and deliver it to them. Tom and Kathy Schroder are helping to coordinate the move. Please call them if you can help with vehicles for moving as well as the actual pickup and delivery of furniture and other household items. You can also call Pastor Jim for information.
Moo Khu Htoo’s family has been quite active around our church. They are worshiping God with us on Sunday mornings, and helping on Tuesday evenings with VBS decorations. They helped at our Tree Farm workday, and Moo Khu Htoo and his son, Hsar Blut Moo, joined several of us at the Memorial Day parade and later at Riverside park. Moo Khu Htoo’s family has been greatly assisted by the Schroders, who have driven them to appointments concerning their housing, medical needs, and job applications. Moo Khu Htoo and his family have also received tutoring by Amber, Abby, and Chrisiti Lewis, and Pastor Jim.
Moo Khu Htoo’s family are looking forward to meeting a couple of their cousins, soon, who live in Milwaukee. They are also looking forward to getting jobs.
Eight-year old Hsar Blut Moo was enrolled at Coolidge school in Neenah for the last three weeks of the school year, and did well. He will be attending Summer School and will even have two weeks completed by time you read this article! His little sister, Mu Nay Blu Paw is starting to walk! What a delight it is to see her taking her first steps.
Our refugee family are delightful people. Sometimes we don’t understand them, and they don’t understand us. However, more and more we are learning to communicate with one another. Let us continue to warmly welcome them in the name of Jesus.

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