Wednesday, October 1, 2008

October 2008 Newsletter

Dear Friends,

Our Adult Foundations class is in the midst of a study called The Seven Deadly Sins. Throughout much of the history of the Christian Church these seven sins have been viewed as the most serious of all sins, and many believe they are linked to all other sins. In case you’re wondering, the seven sins are: lust, laziness, gluttony, greed, wrath, envy and pride.

Dr. Arlo Reichter, Executive Minister of the American Baptist Churches of Wisconsin, recently wrote an article where he referenced Dr. Tony Pappas. The article was about the Seven Deadly Sins of the Church. The Church, (and our church,) is not immune from sin. After all, we are sinners, and we sin as individuals and as a church body. So Dr. Reicthter’s article via Dr. Pappas was enlightening. What might those seven deadly sins of the church be?

1. Willfulness. We detect this through conversations where a person would say, “What matters in this church is what I want.” But the issue is really what God wants. What is God’s will for our church?
2. Non-repentance. Too often we feel our lives are just fine as they are, never mind we are to be constantly growing in faith.
3. Callousness. This sin is indifference to the needs and concerns of others. We say: God takes care of those who help themselves, not remembering that mission starts at home!
4. Fixation. This is the sin of focusing too narrowly. It might be about the organ, the stained glass that needs to be repaired, but it might be how do we keep Mr. X or Ms. Y happy. When anyone or anything looms larger than Jesus we are in trouble.
5. Control. This sin comes from limited vision, limited understanding, limited smarts, limited goodness – it wants to run the show while God is not rusted to do right by us!
6. Rigidity. This is the sin of elevating tradition beyond its due. The past is significant, our heritage is meaningful. But when the dynamics become so strong that we can no longer shape future creatively, flexibly and faithfully, only diminution can follow.
7. Idolatry. This is the sin of substituting a lesser good for the ultimate Good. You name it, we bow down before it – the building, the endowment, the style of worship, the hour of worship, “my” pew, the organizational structure. These can all become objects of disproportionate allegiance while God’s will is shunted to the side.

Well, these are the 7 deadly sins of the church from Dr. Reichter, via Dr. Pappas. No doubt we could name other sins as well that are just as deadly to the Church as a whole and to our church in particular. We are called to be the Church, and this is not an easy task. Yet by prayer and listening to God through God’s Word, we can have a better understanding of the church God wants us to be – celebrating our work for the kingdom of God, and avoiding those sins that are deadly to us as a fellowship.

Let us be aware of that which potentially can bring us down so that we may rise up to be the church that God envisions for us.

Pastor Jim

World Mission Offering

Have you ever thought, “The needs of people are so enormous; how can we possibly make a difference?” What a common frustration! I am sure the early church felt that way in their day.
The powerful news is that the early church overcame this frustration the same way that we can. Empowered by the Holy Spirit, they healed people’s hurts and showed God’s love, one person at a time.
The World Mission Offering is one very powerful way to say to a world in need, “Jesus knows and loves you.” I believe Christ wants us to increasingly make a difference in people’s lives by reaching them at their point of need. Because of last year’s offering, International Ministries has already appointed three new missionaries. The hope is to appoint at least seven more. Investing in the work of missionaries meets an incredible range of human needs while effectively sharing the good news of Jesus. Your gifts to the World Mission Offering go 100% to support the work of 2,500 short – and long-term missionaries working with local partners in 76 countries - like Ethiopia, Burma, Zambia, Bulgaria, India, and South Africa. Your gifts bring to many the hope they are looking for through spiritual, physical and economic help.
Throughout the month of October we will be receiving the World Mission Offering. Enclosed in this newsletter is an envelope for your gift. On behalf of people worldwide whose lives will be transformed by deeds of love and generosity, thank you!

World Mission Offering Stories

In Burma (Myanmar) – Church leaders have been equipped with inductive Bible study skills by ABC missionary Stan Slade. A church leader reports that these students no longer just repeat what they have heard in church. Now they share messages that show a fresh, personal understanding of scripture that connects with life in energizing new ways.
In Bulgaria – A couple have opened a small grocery store in their village after ABC missionary Tom Meyers helped them to develop their business plan and to gain access to a small development loan. The store is a big help to the village while enabling the couple to support their local church. They now want to start a small cafĂ© in the store which can also be used as a village Sunday School room.
In South Africa – A 20-year old man learned that he is HIV positive through testing administered by church members trained by ABC missionaries Rick and Anita Guiterrez. The young man now attends their health classes at the local church. The trained workers are changing their communities by diagnosing patients early and offering them hope and information.

Mission Mobilization

A special emphasis of the ABCW Annual Meeting is Mission Mobilization – an opportunity for “hands-on” mission work. Projects include raking leaves, washing windows, some light painting, etc., in the Green Lake area. Also, the Wisconsin Dells church needs help in cleaning up brush, cutting up downed trees in their cemetery, and some repair work on their basement walls. Mission Mobilization is scheduled for Friday, October 10th. If you would like to help either in the Green Lake area or Wisconsin Dells, contact Pastor Jim right away! Thanks

Annual Meeting of the American Baptist Churches of WI

The Annual Meeting of the ABC of WI will take place on Friday and Saturday, October 10-11, at the Green Lake Conference Center. The purpose of the Annual Meeting is for “worship, learning, fellowship and a bit of business.”
On Friday evening at 7:00, Dr. Reid Trulson, ABC International Ministries Executive Director, will be speaking.
On Saturday a business session will begin at 8:45 a.m. Missionary Cathy Holmes will speak at 10:15, Mission Meetings will be held at 10:45, and Reid Trulson will lead a Bible Study at 11:30. In the afternoon there will be a variety of workshops on the following topics: Risk Management, Music, Personal Finances, Grant Seeking, and the new ABC structure. There will also be meetings of the AB Women’s Ministries and the AB Men. And then at 6:30 p.m., there will be a celebration of Camp Tamarack’s 50th Birthday!
Registration fees are $15 per person. Meals are available for purchase.
For more information, please see Pastor Jim or check out the hallway bulletin board.

Tree Farm Workday

Here is another chance to visit the Tree Farm. Saturday, Oct. 18, is the day set aside to help trim the trails. Bring hand saws, loppers and tree trimmers. You will also need to bring your own food and drink. You may eat whenever you are hungry and work ‘til you drop. If you want to carpool, you will need to let the Mentinks know so arrangements can be made. Call Donna or Dave at (920) 787-3455.

Daylight Savings Time

Daylight Savings Time ends on Sunday, November 2nd. Remember to “Fall back” an hour (get that extra hour of sleep,) by putting your clocks back an hour on Saturday, November 1st, before going to bed.

Thoughts on Giving

· “One of the greatest mission teachings in the American church today is the reminder to men and women that nothing we have belongs to us.” -- Gordon MacDonald
· “It is an anomaly of modern life that many find giving to be a burden. Such persons have omitted a preliminary giving. If one first gives himself to the Lord, all other giving is easy.” -- John S. Bonnell
· “I never would have been able to tithe the first million dollars I ever made if I had not tithed my first salary, which was $1.50 per week.” -- John D. Rockefeller, Sr.“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” -- Sir Winston Churchill

Men's Study

A new study for men will begin on Thursday, October 2nd, 7:00 p.m., here at church. For the last few years we have studied the Purpose Driven Life. This year we’ll be looking at something new. Please join us!