Wednesday, October 1, 2008

World Mission Offering

Have you ever thought, “The needs of people are so enormous; how can we possibly make a difference?” What a common frustration! I am sure the early church felt that way in their day.
The powerful news is that the early church overcame this frustration the same way that we can. Empowered by the Holy Spirit, they healed people’s hurts and showed God’s love, one person at a time.
The World Mission Offering is one very powerful way to say to a world in need, “Jesus knows and loves you.” I believe Christ wants us to increasingly make a difference in people’s lives by reaching them at their point of need. Because of last year’s offering, International Ministries has already appointed three new missionaries. The hope is to appoint at least seven more. Investing in the work of missionaries meets an incredible range of human needs while effectively sharing the good news of Jesus. Your gifts to the World Mission Offering go 100% to support the work of 2,500 short – and long-term missionaries working with local partners in 76 countries - like Ethiopia, Burma, Zambia, Bulgaria, India, and South Africa. Your gifts bring to many the hope they are looking for through spiritual, physical and economic help.
Throughout the month of October we will be receiving the World Mission Offering. Enclosed in this newsletter is an envelope for your gift. On behalf of people worldwide whose lives will be transformed by deeds of love and generosity, thank you!

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