Wednesday, October 1, 2008

World Mission Offering Stories

In Burma (Myanmar) – Church leaders have been equipped with inductive Bible study skills by ABC missionary Stan Slade. A church leader reports that these students no longer just repeat what they have heard in church. Now they share messages that show a fresh, personal understanding of scripture that connects with life in energizing new ways.
In Bulgaria – A couple have opened a small grocery store in their village after ABC missionary Tom Meyers helped them to develop their business plan and to gain access to a small development loan. The store is a big help to the village while enabling the couple to support their local church. They now want to start a small café in the store which can also be used as a village Sunday School room.
In South Africa – A 20-year old man learned that he is HIV positive through testing administered by church members trained by ABC missionaries Rick and Anita Guiterrez. The young man now attends their health classes at the local church. The trained workers are changing their communities by diagnosing patients early and offering them hope and information.

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