Monday, November 3, 2008

November Newsletter

Dear Friends,

Last month in this newsletter we looked at The Seven Deadly Sins of the Church as described by Tony Pappas. To refresh our memories the sins are: Willfulness, Non-repentance, Callousness, Fixation, Control, Rigidity, and Idolatry. These sins when evident in any congregation can be deadly to the health of the congregation, greatly interfering with its mission and ministry. These are sins we certainly want to avoid!

Dr. Arlo Reichter, our Executive Minister for the American Baptist Churches of Wisconsin, reflected on what the church can do differently. He calls these things the Seven Lively Blessings of the Church. These are qualities we can seek to nurture in our church to build health and effectiveness in our mission and ministry. They are as follows:

1. Willingness. “Not my will but thy will” sums up this spirit. What a blessing when we think of others first – and not just “others” who are members but the wider “others” – our community, the place we are called to serve.
2. Repentance. “I was wrong.” Simple profound words that need to be heard in church meetings and functions. Confession is good for the soul of both the individual and the church family.
3. Softness. In listening and responding, in supporting and encouraging, in understanding none of us has all the answers. In appreciating new ideas from new voices.
4. Broad-minded. Looking at the big picture, understanding “mission and vision” are what we need as opposed to tightly established organizations and traditions.
5. God’s in Charge. Recognizing it when a “God thing” is happening, something we did not plan or organize. Understanding the more “God things” that happen the closer we are moving toward being God’s people for our time.
6. Flexibility. Giving tradition a place but a place not above God, a place not above spirit-filled envisioning of ministry. Knowing that change will happen and if we are “tuned into God,” it will be ok. Accepting the fact that we’re not in charge of the world.
7. God Alone. We worship God and God alone. In all we do the question needs to be raised in prayerful, scripture filled ways “is God in this?” Through a discernment process a community will have consensus and feel the peace that passes all understanding when it has arrived at what God alone wants done.

Dr. Reichter’s Seven Lively Blessings of the Church, put into action, constantly nurtured, evaluated and re-evaluated, will help us stay on the path God has for us as a church. And this path will be one overflowing with blessings from the Living God.

Pastor Jim

American Baptist Missionary News

Michael Petty is a Volunteer Missionary. He writes:
“I left for Liberia, Africa in February 2008 just after returning from five months in Mae La Refugee Camp in Thailand. I served at Ricks Institute in Liberia for five months where I served as a teacher and consultant to the Principal. I taught English, computer applications, physical education, Bible study, Sunday School and whatever else was needed. Being a volunteer missionary has changed my perspective on life. I’ve learned that no matter what culture we live in, we are all created by God and are of one body. The world is diverse and that is its strength and its beauty. If you live a lifetime and never give back to mankind, then you have just wasted a life!”

Gordon and Lee Ann Hwang are Missionaries to Japan. They write:
“Grow where you’re planted.” We were hesitant to say that we could “grow” in Japan, but after a year there, it was obvious that God was making it possible for our family to flourish in that soil. We have been in Japan since March 2005. I (Lee Ann) am teaching English conversation at Soshin Girls School, a work started by American Baptist missionaries 120 years ago. We have been privileged to meet wonderful Japanese Christians who encourage us and with whom we share the struggles of growing in faith in Japan.”

American Baptist Institutional Support

One of the missions we at Whiting are contributing to this year through the American Baptist Institutional Support network is the Seminario Evangelico de Puerto Rico (The Evangelical Seminary of Puerto Rico.) This seminary contributes to the integral formation of men and women called to serve in Christian ministry and who will be participating in the mission of God’s people in Puerto Rico and the Americas. The seminary’s purpose is to assist the student community in their development and spiritual growth (personal, social, academic, and professional), and to identify and answer the needs of continued education of those who have gone away to collaborating churches.

Congregational Meeting

We will hold a congregational meeting on Sunday, November 9th, following the worship service. The purpose of the meeting is to preview our church’s budget for 2009.

Tree Farm Potluck

A Tree Farm Potluck will be held on Sunday, November 9th, following the congregational meeting. Please bring food to share and join in the discussion surrounding the events and activities of the Tree Farm.

Experiencing God

The Adult Foundations class, which meets Tuesday evenings from 6:30 to 7:45, begins a new study on November 4th. “Experiencing God” is the title, and is based on the book by Henry Blackaby and Claude King. Through this study we will learn “how to live the full adventure of knowing and doing the will of God.” Topics include: Knowing God by experience; knowing God’s nature; seven realities of experiencing God; God speaks to His people, etc. You are invited to participate in our discussions and deepen your relationship with God in the process!

Christmas, C-H-R-I-S-T-M-A-S, Christmas

That’s right; Christmas is just around the corner! This year the children and younger youth will share the program titled, A Christmas County Spelling Bee, at the worship service on December 21st. The Sunday School children have already started learning the songs. Practice times for November are as follows:
Sun. School singing
Children’s Church
Approx. 10:45-11:15
Business Meeting
Nov. 2nd
PS-5th grade

Nov. 9th
PS-5th grade
Nov. 16th
PS-5th grade

Nov. 23rd
PS-5th grade

Nov. 30th
PS-5th grade

If you have any questions, please talk to Holly Robinson, Becky Luebker, or Becky Zoglman.

The First Thanksgiving Proclamation

Whereas it is the duty of all nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey His will, to be grateful for His benefits, and humbly implore His protection, aid and favors…
Now, therefore, I do recommend and assign Thursday the 26th day of November next, to be devoted by the people of these states to the service of that great and glorious Being, who is the Beneficent Author of all the good that was, that is, or that will be that we may then all unite in rendering unto Him our sincere and humble thanks for His kind care and protection of the people of this country, and for all the great and various favors which He has been pleased to confer upon us. – George Washington, 1789

The Jesus Priorities

A new Adult Sunday School curriculum, The Jesus Priorities: 8 Essential Habits, has just begun. Through this study of what Jesus did most in his ministry, we will learn what was most important to Jesus and what this means for us. This is an 8 week course and all adults are invited.

Refugee Update

Hsar Say Paw's sister and niece and their families (a total of 7 people) have arrived here in Wisconsin. They arrived from Massachusetts and New Jersey, where they have lived for the past few months, after arriving from a refugee camp in Thailand. They are currently living in temporary housing in Oshkosh. Be sure to welcome them as they worship with us on Sunday morning.

Ministry Council

In December we elect new representatives to the Ministry Council. If there is someone you would like to nominate please see Tom Romnek or Pastor Jim.

Thanksgiving Eve Service

Our Thanksgiving Eve Worship Service with Gloria Dei Lutheran and Faith United Methodist, will be held at Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, which is located several blocks south of us at 1140 Tullar Rd. Our offering this year will go to the Red Cross Food Pantry. Along with financial donations, canned goods will also be received as part of the offering. The service begins at 7:00 pm.