Monday, November 3, 2008

November Newsletter

Dear Friends,

Last month in this newsletter we looked at The Seven Deadly Sins of the Church as described by Tony Pappas. To refresh our memories the sins are: Willfulness, Non-repentance, Callousness, Fixation, Control, Rigidity, and Idolatry. These sins when evident in any congregation can be deadly to the health of the congregation, greatly interfering with its mission and ministry. These are sins we certainly want to avoid!

Dr. Arlo Reichter, our Executive Minister for the American Baptist Churches of Wisconsin, reflected on what the church can do differently. He calls these things the Seven Lively Blessings of the Church. These are qualities we can seek to nurture in our church to build health and effectiveness in our mission and ministry. They are as follows:

1. Willingness. “Not my will but thy will” sums up this spirit. What a blessing when we think of others first – and not just “others” who are members but the wider “others” – our community, the place we are called to serve.
2. Repentance. “I was wrong.” Simple profound words that need to be heard in church meetings and functions. Confession is good for the soul of both the individual and the church family.
3. Softness. In listening and responding, in supporting and encouraging, in understanding none of us has all the answers. In appreciating new ideas from new voices.
4. Broad-minded. Looking at the big picture, understanding “mission and vision” are what we need as opposed to tightly established organizations and traditions.
5. God’s in Charge. Recognizing it when a “God thing” is happening, something we did not plan or organize. Understanding the more “God things” that happen the closer we are moving toward being God’s people for our time.
6. Flexibility. Giving tradition a place but a place not above God, a place not above spirit-filled envisioning of ministry. Knowing that change will happen and if we are “tuned into God,” it will be ok. Accepting the fact that we’re not in charge of the world.
7. God Alone. We worship God and God alone. In all we do the question needs to be raised in prayerful, scripture filled ways “is God in this?” Through a discernment process a community will have consensus and feel the peace that passes all understanding when it has arrived at what God alone wants done.

Dr. Reichter’s Seven Lively Blessings of the Church, put into action, constantly nurtured, evaluated and re-evaluated, will help us stay on the path God has for us as a church. And this path will be one overflowing with blessings from the Living God.

Pastor Jim

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