Monday, November 3, 2008

American Baptist Missionary News

Michael Petty is a Volunteer Missionary. He writes:
“I left for Liberia, Africa in February 2008 just after returning from five months in Mae La Refugee Camp in Thailand. I served at Ricks Institute in Liberia for five months where I served as a teacher and consultant to the Principal. I taught English, computer applications, physical education, Bible study, Sunday School and whatever else was needed. Being a volunteer missionary has changed my perspective on life. I’ve learned that no matter what culture we live in, we are all created by God and are of one body. The world is diverse and that is its strength and its beauty. If you live a lifetime and never give back to mankind, then you have just wasted a life!”

Gordon and Lee Ann Hwang are Missionaries to Japan. They write:
“Grow where you’re planted.” We were hesitant to say that we could “grow” in Japan, but after a year there, it was obvious that God was making it possible for our family to flourish in that soil. We have been in Japan since March 2005. I (Lee Ann) am teaching English conversation at Soshin Girls School, a work started by American Baptist missionaries 120 years ago. We have been privileged to meet wonderful Japanese Christians who encourage us and with whom we share the struggles of growing in faith in Japan.”

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