Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Generous Giving

There are 60 – plus churches that comprise the American Baptist Churches of Wisconsin. Recently statistics on the Mission Giving of our American Baptist Churches of Wisconsin came out. The following statistics show our ranking at Whiting Community Baptist Church for 2008 in several mission categories:
· 6th in Total United Mission
· 9th in Total American Baptist Mission Support
· 17th in the One Great Hour of Sharing Offering
· 18th in the American for Christ Offering
· 15th in Total American Baptist Mission Support Per Capita Giving by Worship Attendance
· 11th in United Mission Per Capita Giving by Worship Attendance
Congratulations on your wonderful support of mission. While these figures don’t tell the whole story, such as our non-American Baptist Mission giving, they do show your dedication to sharing the Good News through our denominational mission giving. Thank you and God Bless you as you continue your generous support of God’s work beyond our church doors.

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