Tuesday, March 3, 2009

March 2009 Newsletter

With Willing Hands
Serve, Sacrifice, Surrender.

“For the love of Christ urges us on…” 2 Corinthians 5:14-15

Dear Friends,

We are called by God to a life of holistic stewardship – to fully serve, sacrifice, and surrender to the One who has given our lives new and eternal meaning. And yet that relationship becomes profoundly multifaceted in its real-world application as we live for Christ in order to make a difference in our communities and respond to many needs “with willing hands.”

You can help make a difference! Service in Christ’s name is both an opportunity and a challenge. For 176 years National Ministries, ABCUSA, has assisted American Baptist congregations as they have confronted and responded to the spiritual and physical needs resident in many communities like ours.

Our church’s contribution to the American for Christ Offering goes to support Christ-centered ministries that are transforming lives across the United States and Puerto Rico. Our giving directly impacts activities, projects and ministries such as:
· Evangelism and Church Planting
· Camps and Leadership Development Conferences
· Community Development and Refugee Resettlement
· Scholarships for education and Volunteers in Mission

I believe God is calling us to support missions in America and Puerto Rico and to join with our sisters and brothers as together we serve, sacrifice, and surrender. Our church’s goal is to contribute $600 to the AFC Offering. Please join this wonderful opportunity to reach America for Christ. We will be receiving the America for Christ Offering throughout the month of March.

For the love of Christ urges us on…

Pastor Jim

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