Thursday, April 30, 2009

May Newsletter

Dear Friends,
‘K’ is missing. One moment k was there, and then the next moment k was gone. One moment k was active and alive and part of the big picture, and the next moment k was nowhere to be seen. K was suddenly AWOL. Gone... Vanished. K left without a trace.
Now k was only one of 26 others, and one would think that the other 25 would carry on just fine – which they have. Yet something is missing. It isn’t the same without k around. Though just one of 26, k’s importance cannot be diminished. The other 25 just aren’t the same without k.
Lest you think I’ve totally lost my mind, let me explain. The other day as I was working on my computer here at church, I suddenly realized that the letter k on my keyboard was no longer functioning. I don’t know why it stopped working (I hope it wasn’t something I wrote,) but it just stopped working without so much as giving me a two-week notice. You might be wondering how I am able to produce k now. Well, it’s because I have a laptop computer and I am using the k on that keyboard whereas I normally use a special keyboard for all my typing. It is challenging for me to use laptop keys, so I have been fortunate to have another keyboard to use – up until now. Imagine reading this letter without ‘k’s, for that is what would be happening if not for my laptop’s keyboard. And as I’ve mentioned, every time I want to use a word with a k in it I have to reach up and use my laptop keyboard. I only hope I don’t forget to do that. My fear is that I will type a word that is meant to have a k in it, but because the word doesn’t need a k to spell out correctly you will read a different word than the one I intended.
So what’s the point of all this? Each one of us is very important to our church. Each one of us has gifts, talents and abilities to help our church carry out our vision, mission and ministry. Every single one of us has something to offer the church which gives it its unique personality, charm, and grace. Without the use of all our gifts, talents, and abilities, we just are not the same.
K cannot say to the other 25 characters that it has no need of them. Nor can the other 25 characters say to k that they don’t need k. They need each other. The apostle Paul made a similar point in 1 Corinthians 12 in talking about body parts as symbols for the Christian community and the gifts they had to share. “The eye can never say to the hand, “I don’t need you.” The head can’t say to the feet, “I don’t need you”.” Paul reminds us that all of us are vitally important to the Church. We are all needed. We are all valuable. We each have a part to play. We each have a ministry to share. We each have a blessing to give and to experience – in our worship, our learning, our ministering.
I hope k will come back. I don’t know why k left or where k went. I just look forward to k’s return. K is very badly needed and wanted…. So are you. Than you for sharing in worship, learning and ministry.

Pastor Jim

International Ministries

Mother Nature left hardly a stone unturned in the U.S. last year. States that weren’t affected by torrential rains and subsequent flooding, tornados, earthquakes, or hurricanes were few and far between. More communities across the U.S. were recovering from disaster at the close of 2008 than in the last 10 years.
And outside the borders of our own country, the news of the effects of natural disaster was grim. Many remember the significant media coverage of Cyclone Nargis wreaking havoc on Myanmar, followed shortly thereafter by the devastating earthquake that struck China just months before the opening of the Olympic games in Beijing.
Your gifts to One Great Hour of Sharing (an offering we give to in June,) made it possible for people all across the U.S., Puerto Rico, and around the world to receive tangible aid in times of trouble. Whether it was blankets, medicine, food, clean water or financial aid to rebuild broken lives, your gifts were there, ministering to people in what may have been their greatest time of need.

Through our American Baptist network of partners and regions we provided emergency aid in many situations. Many are still measuring their loss, but are also comforted by the tangible goods provided by the generosity of God’s people. Thank you for blessing them with your gifts and prayers

Fox Valley Jail Ministries

Fox Valley Jail Ministries is presenting Mike Huff and Friends in concert on Friday, May 1st, 7:00 pm, at Vine Christian Fellowship, 3995 W. College Avenue, Appleton. (Vine Christian Fellowship is located in the old Treasure Island mall behind Kinko’s.) Fox Valley Jail Ministry is dedicated to providing spiritual help to the incarcerated and helping released inmates find a purpose in the community. A free-will offering will be taken with the proceeds to support Fox Valley Jail Ministries.

Tree Farm Outdoor Day

Come to the Tree Farm on Saturday, May 16th, and enjoy the fresh air and each others company while doing a little bit of outside/inside clean up. It was decided that anyone coming for the day should bring their own lunch, rakes, tree trimming tools and cleaning supplies. We usually start at 9:00 and leave whenever you need too. All are welcome. If you can't work, we still enjoy seeing you show up and enjoy the fresh air. If rides are needed, contact the Mentinks for arrangements. That leaves another opportunity, if you have room in your vehicle, let the Mentinks know that also. We hope for a good turnout! SEE YOU THERE!!!
(Camping is available if interested!)

Camping for Memorial Day Weekend

Do you have plans for camping Memorial Day Weekend? What better place to camp than at the Tree Farm near Wautoma! It is close to home, fishing lakes, hiking trails, biking, and whatever else you like to do. It is also quiet, if you enjoy that. Be sure to make your reservations. Applications are on the Tree Farm Bulletin Board in the hallway. Need a cabin? We have that! Need electricity for your camper? We have that! Don't like to camp alone? We can accommodate you there too! Turn your "Reservation" into the Mentinks early so you are not disappointed!
You may also "Reserve" the Tree Farm for other camping outings! Enjoy your summer in "Waushara County Where Up North Begins"!

Our Finances

As of the end of Arpil, this is our church’s financial picture:
Our need through April for the General Fund was $28,236. We received $24,878. Our deficit through April is $3,358.
As for the Mission Fund, our needs were $4,006. We received $3,199. Our deficit through April is $807. However, on a brighter note we also received $1,805 in Special Mission giving.
Please pray for our financial needs as currently we have more expenses than we have income. Thank you.

Vacation Bible School

Hey-friends, church members, everyone here,
Let me tell you what’s happening at Whiting this year.
With summer just a few months away
We will all start planning vacations and play.
With our Bible school starting in August you see
God is calling you, to fall to your knee,
In prayerful consideration,
Of how you can help the congregation.
With lessons to teach
God’s goodness to preach
To children and parents, a neighbor, a friend,
Their hearts will be filled by the invitation we extend.
Volunteers we have few
We could really use you.
Where fearless kids shine God’s light
His power will be awesome and shine so bright.
Now, as we look at the clock
It’s time to come down to the dock.
Join Flash, Belle, Blossom and Jacque
For an amazing Vacation Bible School
(VBS is Sunday thru Thursday, August 2nd -6th)

CPR/AED Certification Class

If someone would suddenly collapse from a heart attack, would you know what to do? If not, Pat Lewis is offering a CPR/AED certification class. This class will allow you to be proficient in patient assessment and basic cardiac resuscitation as well as being certified in use of an AED (automatic external defibrillator.) The class fees are $30 per person, and the class will be held on June 19th, from 6:30 pm to 10 pm. To sign up, contact Pat Lewis.

Emergency Response Team

Do you know where our AED is kept? If someone would need this life-saving device, would you know how to use it? Our church is looking for a few people to be on an “Emergency Response Team.” We are looking for individuals that are already CPR/AED certified and have the desire to help a person in need. Those that are already certified need to be trained specifically to our AED to join. Class date is May 30th 10:00 am to 12:00 pm. A second class date will be determined at the May 30th meeting. If you are interested, contact Pat Lewis.

Happy Mother's Day

A man observed a woman in the grocery store with a three year old girl in her basket. As they passed the cookie section, the child asked for cookies and her mother told her “no.” The little girl immediately began to whine and fuss. The mother said quietly, “Now Ellen, we just have half of the aisles left to go through; don’t be upset. It won’t be long.”
He passed the mother again in the candy aisle. Of course, the little girl began to shout for candy. When she was told she couldn’t have any, she began to cry. The mother said, “There, there, Ellen, don’t cry. Only two more aisles to go, and then we’ll be checking out.”
The man again happened to be behind the pair at the check-out, where the little girl immediately began to clamor for gum and burst into a terrible tantrum upon discovering there would be no gum purchased today. The mother patiently said, “Ellen, we’ll be through this checkout stand in five minutes, and they you can go home and have a nice nap.”
The man followed them out to the parking lot and stopped the woman to compliment her. “I couldn’t help noticing how patient you were with little Ellen…”
The mother broke in, “My little girl’s name is Tammy…I’m Ellen.”

Thoughts on Parenthood

· Raising teenagers is a lot like nailing Jell-O to a tree.
· Money isn’t everything, but it sure keeps the kids in touch.
· Your life’s “Golden Age” is the period in your life when your kids are too old to require a babysitter and too young to take the car.
· Shouting at your children to get cooperation is about the same as steering your car using the horn…same results.
· To be in your children’s memories tomorrow, one must be in their lives today.
· “The Joy of Motherhood” – what a woman experiences after she puts the last one to bed.
· Your children may outgrow your lap but never your heart.

Pastor Jim at Academy for Spiritual Formation

Pastor Jim will be attending the Academy for Spiritual Formation from Monday afternoon, May 4th through Saturday, May 9th. You can contact Pastor Jim by calling his cell phone at 450-7680. Please leave a message.

We're Going Green

In an effort to reduce printing and mailing costs, the Baptist Light is now available on our website at Effective with the June newsletter, the Baptist Light will be available in print form only to those who request it. If you would like to have a printed copy of the newsletter, please call the church office at 722-4312, or email Pastor Jim at For those reading our newsletter on our website, you will be contacted via the “weekly update” when the latest edition is available. Also, if you have Word, you can receive the newsletter as an attachment.