Thursday, April 30, 2009

Vacation Bible School

Hey-friends, church members, everyone here,
Let me tell you what’s happening at Whiting this year.
With summer just a few months away
We will all start planning vacations and play.
With our Bible school starting in August you see
God is calling you, to fall to your knee,
In prayerful consideration,
Of how you can help the congregation.
With lessons to teach
God’s goodness to preach
To children and parents, a neighbor, a friend,
Their hearts will be filled by the invitation we extend.
Volunteers we have few
We could really use you.
Where fearless kids shine God’s light
His power will be awesome and shine so bright.
Now, as we look at the clock
It’s time to come down to the dock.
Join Flash, Belle, Blossom and Jacque
For an amazing Vacation Bible School
(VBS is Sunday thru Thursday, August 2nd -6th)

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