Thursday, June 18, 2009

July 2009 Newsletter

Dear Friends,

Brett Farve is in the news again. Or should I say that he continues to be in the news. I guess it’s a matter of perspective. At any rate, his on-again, off-again, on-again decision to play football for the Minnesota Vikings (of all teams!), or to retire, is in the news. Perhaps by time you read this you and I will know if he will indeed be playing for the Vikings this Fall. Or perhaps we will still be wondering if he will play or stay retired – after all, this is Brett Farve we’re talking about.

Some of you may know from first-hand experiences about on-again, off-again relationships. Maybe you have an on-again, off-again relationship with a friend. Sometimes things are going just great between you and your friend, and other times things cool down considerably between the two of you and you may not see or talk with each other for weeks or months.

Do you ever find yourself in an on-again, off-again relationship with God? There are those times when you are gung-ho in your faith. You really enjoy talking with God, worship is a priority, and you couldn’t be happier in your relationship with Him. On the other hand there may be those times when you could care less about talking to God, you don’t desire to take part in worship, and you would rather not even have God bother you. In fact, God becomes “out of sight, out of mind.”

One of the great challenges we face as Christians is to continue to be deeply connected to God. We shouldn’t be surprised at this for all relationships go through ups and downs. It may be difficult to remain passionate about the person we’re married to. It may be difficult to keep a friendship at a level of caring that first seemed to come so easy. And it is challenging to keep focused on God, maintain a deep prayer life, worship God regularly, and keep growing in that relationship with God. It is challenging – but not impossible.

All relationships require effort – including our relationship with God. Sometimes our relationship doesn’t require a lot of effort, but then there are those times that it does. If you are in one of those times where your relationship with God is more “off-again” than on-again, take steps to get back “on.” Maybe it would be helpful to speak to a fellow brother or sister in Christ about the challenges of staying deeply connected to God. Another possibility is just admitting to God that right now you are far away from Him and aren’t even sure if you care. Honesty is something God can handle.

Having a deep and personal relationship with God is so crucial to our spiritual well-being. To be sure, there are those times when it is difficult to feel connected to God. Work, family, extra-curricular activities – even the best things in life can lead us to an “off-again” relationship with God. However, let us strive to get back “on-again” with our relationship with God. It is only in that relationship that we find true peace and joy.

God Bless,Pastor Jim

International Missions

(A letter from David and Betsy Perkins, ABC Missionaries to India.)

In November of last year we wrote a journal on the acts of violence against Christians in the Indian state of Orissa. I had met with a couple of the leaders from the Baptist churches in that area, listening to them share their experiences and stories of their people. Since then Betsy and I have retold their stories as we have visited churches here in the US, even though they were difficult to hear and comprehend. We have had you to join with us in prayer, in hopes that by means of your prayers to our Heavenly Father, our brothers and sisters in Christ in Orissa would be set free from the persecution they have been experiencing.

God has heard the prayers of the faithful. We received an email this week (mid-May) from Mr. Ramesh, one of our colleagues from Orissa, sharing a message of good news. He writes:

“Dear Brothers and Sisters,
…We hope that there is an end for all the violence as the (political party that had been in power), a Hindu fundamentalist group, has been totally rooted out in the recent elections in Orissa, and the Naveen Patnaik party is emerging as the single largest party to form the government. We hope and trust in God that we will no longer have the communal violence in Kandhamal, (Orissa). Thank you so much for all your prayers and that your prayers were answered by the almighty God. However, please continue to pray for Orissa and pray for (the oppressors). . . Once again thank you so much for your prayers all these days.”

In Paul’s letter to the Philippians, he reports to them his experience with persecution, but adds, “Now I want you to know, brothers, that what has happened to me has really served to advance the gospel” (Phil.1:12). We have heard similar messages of hope from believers in Orissa. In some villages where aid has been distributed and relief workers have visited, some of the Hindu families have watched the peaceful and loving response of Christians to each other and to their tormentors. They have asked for Bibles to learn more about Jesus. Join us in continuing to pray that the new leaders in the state of Orissa will do their part in ensuring the protection of all of God’s people there, including those who have made the decision to follow Jesus, even in the difficult times. We pray that more will come to know Jesus in Orissa, but that they will be saved the suffering of this past year. Thank you!

Local Mission Opportunity

The Community Clothes Closet provides clothes to people in need on a referral basis, free of charge! One of their special programs is Being Cool for School. This special event provides new clothes and school supplies for more than 700 school-age children. The Community Clothes Closet is looking for donations to help out with this year’s event. If you would like to help, please see Pastor Jim. (More information is available on the hallway bulletin board.)

"Hands-On" Mission Opportunities

Our Savior’s Lutheran Church has a couple of “hands-on” mission opportunities this summer, and they are open to any and all who would like to join their mission work groups. One opportunity is in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, from July 17-26, where flood recovery work and rebuilding tasks are the work projects. A second opportunity is in Fargo, ND, August 5-9, and is also related to flood clean up and possibly some rebuilding. Details are available on a large yellow postcard, posted on the hallway bulletin board.

Fun Camping Facts (from Bouwer Printing)

If you’re heading into the great outdoors, here are a few tips to make your experience a bit more enjoyable.
· When using a public campground, a tuba placed on your picnic table will keep the campsites on either side vacant.
· While the Swiss Army Knife has been popular for years, its cousin the Swiss Navy Knife, has remained largely unheralded. Its single blade functions as a tiny canoe paddle.
· You can duplicate the warmth of a down-filled bedroll by climbing into a plastic bag filled with several geese.
· Take this simple test to see if you qualify for solo camping: Shine a flashlight into one ear. If the beam shines out the other ear, do not go into the woods alone.
· A two-man pup tent does not include two men or a pup.
· A potato baked in the coals for one hour makes an excellent side dish. A potato baked in the coals for three hours makes an excellent hockey puck.
· The sight of a bald eagle has thrilled campers for generations. The sight of a bald man, however, does absolutely nothing for the eagle.
· Bear bells provide an element of safety for hikers in grizzly country. The tricky part is getting them on the bears.

Vacation Bible School Update

You love Vacation Bible School, right?! You love watching kids’ faces light up as they worship. You love playing wacky games, eating yummy snacks, and making cute crafts! You love hearing your favorite Bible stories in an exciting way. Well, Crocodile Dock is only one month away! VBS starts on Sunday, August 2nd. (Pick up a flyer on the VBS table.)

Some people have been in the planning process since last August, but there is still much to do during this last month prior to VBS.
· If you want to volunteer in some way, talk to Denise
· If you want to order a T-shirt, sign up by July 9th.
· Volunteer to bring needed items. (sign up at the VBS table.)
· Tell your neighbors, friends, relatives about Crocodile Dock. (And don’t forget to register your own kids!)
· The final planning team meeting will be Monday, July 20th, at 6:30 pm.
· An orientation meeting for ALL volunteers will be Tuesday, July 28th at 6:30 pm.
· Pray for all our volunteers and the kids!
August 2 – 6 will be an exciting week at Whiting! Don’t miss out.

Campbell Soup Labels (from Shirley Klug)

Thanks to all of you who have been saving Campbell soup labels. I have over 500 points to send to the learning center at Rainbow Acres, an American Baptist home for mentally challenged adults.
Campbell has changed its label program and we no longer send the front panel. Now only select products are eligible and they are the special UPCs marked “1 point and 5 points”. Please cut these out and put in the collection box on the back table. (Make sure you only put in labels with the “point” UPC.s) Thank you

WE Care

Pick and Save Food Stores has a wonderful way for churches to earn extra cash. If you shop at Pick and Save, ask at the Service Desk for an Advantage Plus Savers Club Card, and sign up our church as your designated donation. And then each time you shop at Pick and Save, have your card scanned. Not only will you receive discounts, but the church receives a cash donation of 1% on all purchases. Through the years we have received an extra $100 more or less each year, and these funds have enabled us to help with some non-budgeted expenses.

College Age Students

Each year a college age ministry, Intervarsity, holds a Student Missions Conference from December 27-31. Urbana 09 is a wonderful opportunity to meet with other Christian college age youth from around the country, and learn of the different ways mission is reaching others for Christ. For more information log onto:

Church Finances

As of the end of May, we were short $3,798 of our General Giving goals, and short $830 of our Mission Giving goals. However, on the plus side we had received $1833 in Special Missions monies. Overall, we are short of dollars needed to pay our bills, $3,817, through May.

Tree Farm Brunch

Join us on Sunday, July 12th, following worship, for a Tree Farm Potluck Brunch. Please bring food to share as we enjoy a meal together and discuss updates concerning the Tree Farm. All are invited.

EAA Missionary Housing

This year’s AirVenture at the EAA will emphasize the work of Mission and Humanitarian Aviation. There will be over 250 missionaries who will be coming to the EAA (July 27 – August 2) to participate – this is more than double any previous year. MASA (Mission Aviation Support Association) is looking for help with housing and transportation (as early as July 24 for some.) if you have an extra bedroom (s), and/or a car you can lend for the week, please contact Anita Holdridge at 920-948-3928 or (Denise and I hosted a missionary couple last year and were greatly blessed! We look forward to hosting again this year.)

If you go to the EAA during AirVenture, be sure to check out the Fly4Life display on Aero Shell Square. It will tell the history of mission aviation, what’s happening now and how people can get involved. Over 30 individual mission organizations will have displays throughout the AirVenture grounds.

Looking Ahead

Saturday, August 1st 10:30 am, Community Table
Sunday, August 2nd 9:00 am, Worship
5:00 pm, VBS Kickoff Dinner
6:00 pm, VBS begins!