Thursday, June 18, 2009

International Missions

(A letter from David and Betsy Perkins, ABC Missionaries to India.)

In November of last year we wrote a journal on the acts of violence against Christians in the Indian state of Orissa. I had met with a couple of the leaders from the Baptist churches in that area, listening to them share their experiences and stories of their people. Since then Betsy and I have retold their stories as we have visited churches here in the US, even though they were difficult to hear and comprehend. We have had you to join with us in prayer, in hopes that by means of your prayers to our Heavenly Father, our brothers and sisters in Christ in Orissa would be set free from the persecution they have been experiencing.

God has heard the prayers of the faithful. We received an email this week (mid-May) from Mr. Ramesh, one of our colleagues from Orissa, sharing a message of good news. He writes:

“Dear Brothers and Sisters,
…We hope that there is an end for all the violence as the (political party that had been in power), a Hindu fundamentalist group, has been totally rooted out in the recent elections in Orissa, and the Naveen Patnaik party is emerging as the single largest party to form the government. We hope and trust in God that we will no longer have the communal violence in Kandhamal, (Orissa). Thank you so much for all your prayers and that your prayers were answered by the almighty God. However, please continue to pray for Orissa and pray for (the oppressors). . . Once again thank you so much for your prayers all these days.”

In Paul’s letter to the Philippians, he reports to them his experience with persecution, but adds, “Now I want you to know, brothers, that what has happened to me has really served to advance the gospel” (Phil.1:12). We have heard similar messages of hope from believers in Orissa. In some villages where aid has been distributed and relief workers have visited, some of the Hindu families have watched the peaceful and loving response of Christians to each other and to their tormentors. They have asked for Bibles to learn more about Jesus. Join us in continuing to pray that the new leaders in the state of Orissa will do their part in ensuring the protection of all of God’s people there, including those who have made the decision to follow Jesus, even in the difficult times. We pray that more will come to know Jesus in Orissa, but that they will be saved the suffering of this past year. Thank you!

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