Thursday, June 18, 2009

July 2009 Newsletter

Dear Friends,

Brett Farve is in the news again. Or should I say that he continues to be in the news. I guess it’s a matter of perspective. At any rate, his on-again, off-again, on-again decision to play football for the Minnesota Vikings (of all teams!), or to retire, is in the news. Perhaps by time you read this you and I will know if he will indeed be playing for the Vikings this Fall. Or perhaps we will still be wondering if he will play or stay retired – after all, this is Brett Farve we’re talking about.

Some of you may know from first-hand experiences about on-again, off-again relationships. Maybe you have an on-again, off-again relationship with a friend. Sometimes things are going just great between you and your friend, and other times things cool down considerably between the two of you and you may not see or talk with each other for weeks or months.

Do you ever find yourself in an on-again, off-again relationship with God? There are those times when you are gung-ho in your faith. You really enjoy talking with God, worship is a priority, and you couldn’t be happier in your relationship with Him. On the other hand there may be those times when you could care less about talking to God, you don’t desire to take part in worship, and you would rather not even have God bother you. In fact, God becomes “out of sight, out of mind.”

One of the great challenges we face as Christians is to continue to be deeply connected to God. We shouldn’t be surprised at this for all relationships go through ups and downs. It may be difficult to remain passionate about the person we’re married to. It may be difficult to keep a friendship at a level of caring that first seemed to come so easy. And it is challenging to keep focused on God, maintain a deep prayer life, worship God regularly, and keep growing in that relationship with God. It is challenging – but not impossible.

All relationships require effort – including our relationship with God. Sometimes our relationship doesn’t require a lot of effort, but then there are those times that it does. If you are in one of those times where your relationship with God is more “off-again” than on-again, take steps to get back “on.” Maybe it would be helpful to speak to a fellow brother or sister in Christ about the challenges of staying deeply connected to God. Another possibility is just admitting to God that right now you are far away from Him and aren’t even sure if you care. Honesty is something God can handle.

Having a deep and personal relationship with God is so crucial to our spiritual well-being. To be sure, there are those times when it is difficult to feel connected to God. Work, family, extra-curricular activities – even the best things in life can lead us to an “off-again” relationship with God. However, let us strive to get back “on-again” with our relationship with God. It is only in that relationship that we find true peace and joy.

God Bless,Pastor Jim

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