Monday, September 28, 2009

Annual Meeting Mission Mobilization

One aspect of the ABCW Annual Meeting is Mission Mobilization, which is designed to minister to people in Milwaukee as a witness to our faith as American Baptists. The following are some opportunities to participate:

Friday Night Opportunities:
Bring a can/case of green beans (or other canned goods) to the Friday night session (or put in the basket here at church.)
Bring a dozen or more homemade cookies to be distributed on Saturday at the food distribution and street ministry outreaches.
Bring a blanket and/or stocking cap to be shared through the street ministry.

Saturday Opportunities:
Help distribute food to individuals and families at St. Vincent DePaul Catholic Church, 2114 W. Mitchell St. (Orientation begins at 8:30 am – park in the back of the church.)
Help prepare and pack box lunches for the above ministry. There are two locations for this: Underwood Church, 1919 Wauwatosa Ave., Wauwatosa; Roundy Church, 1250 E. Hampton Rd., Whitefish Bay. You will need to be at the church of your choice by 8:30 am.
Street Ministry at 10th and Washington – make contact with the homeless and share food with them. Depending upon weather, hand out blankets and stocking caps. This begins at 1:00 pm.
Three “hammer and nails” opportunities. (See Pastor Jim for further information on these opportunities as well as those mentioned above.)
As you can see, there are a variety of ways that you can participate in this year’s Mission Mobilization! Together, we will make a difference!

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