Monday, September 28, 2009

October 2009 Newsletter

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

You and I follow Jesus because God used someone to share the Good News. We have continued and grown as followers of Jesus because God has used others to celebrate with us in victory, encourage us in defeat and call us forward in faith.

You can help to make the same things happen in the lives of people half a world away! That’s why I am writing to ask you both to pray for and to give to the 2009 World Mission Offering.

Our congregation uses the World Mission Offering to support our American Baptist International Mission work around the world. Our giving to the World Mission Offering helps people
· Come to Christ
· Grow in Christ
· Change their world with Christ.
This year International Ministries invites us to look at global mission in these terms:
Be Surprised by Walking in Different Shoes.

“In your lives you must think and act like Christ Jesus…he gave up his place with God and made himself nothing. He was born as a man and became like a servant.” (Philippians 2:5, 7 NCV.)

This year our World Mission Offering will be used in two ways. First, one-half of the offering will go directly to the ministry of David and Betsy Perkins, as we support them in their ministry in India. David and Betsy have worshiped with us here at WCBC on a couple of occasions, and have shared their stories and their ministry with us. Secondly, one-half of the offering will support our American Baptist International Missions ministry around the globe, as we strive to make Christ known to a world who desperately needs him. Our goal is $300 for the Perkins, and $300 for International Ministries.

We have received from the Lord. Let us also give and let Him empower our gifts to transform the world.

Pastor Jim

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