Wednesday, September 29, 2010

October 2010 Newsletter

Dear Friends,

You and I follow Jesus because God used someone to share the Good News with us. We have continued to grow as followers of Jesus because God has used others to celebrate with us in victory, encourage us in defeat and call us forward in faith.

You can help to make the same things happen in the lives of people half a world away! That’s why I am writing to ask you to pray for and to give to the 2010 World Mission Offering.

The World Mission Offering is giving special attention to Haiti this year because it mirrors the ministries IM missionaries and partners are also doing elsewhere. The World Mission Offering is more crucial than ever to sustain those ministries “in Haiti and in the World.” Your contribution will help to support global projects, Christian partners (including churches, schools and hospitals), and missionaries in Haiti as well as in more than 70 other countries around the world.

Our giving to the World Mission Offering helps people
Come to Christ
Grow in Christ
Change their world with Christ

Our God is a God of abundance and can work through us to provide more support to global mission this year than last year. Our 2010 goal is $600. This year our offering will be divided equally between the general ministries of the WMO, and missionaries Duane and Marcia Binkley, who work with the Karen and Chin refugees in the United States and Thailand. Please join me in embracing this challenge. We will be receiving the World Mission Offering throughout the month of October.

We have received from the Lord. Let us also give so God can use our gifts as the Holy Spirit works to transform the world.

Yours in Christ,
Pastor Jim

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