Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Tree Farm Outing Planned

Take a break from your regular routine! Spend some time at the Tree Farm in Wautoma!
A day is planned for October 16th. Enjoy all day or just part of the day. Bring your lunch; walking shoes and dress for the outdoors! Some people will be helping for workday and some will be enjoying God’s Creation in the out-of-doors. Some will be doing both. If you are coming to help with workday, bring your work gloves and whatever else you want to bring. We should be able to take a ride on the trails! Come as early as you like, and work will begin around 9 a.m. The volleyball court has been worked up; any volleyball people are welcome or the kids can play in the BIG sandbox.
If you want to camp on Friday night, call the Mentinks to reserve a cabin or electrical site. We would like to see some new faces and share some camping stories!

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