Sunday, January 30, 2011

A CWS Blanket+ Sale

Hurricane Noel began as a slow-moving tropical storm but grew into a Category 1 hurricane. Hardest-hit were the Dominican Republic and Haiti, where 116 people were killed in floods and landslides. In the Dominican Republic alone, some 16,000 houses were affected; 737 were completely destroyed. Over 66,000 people were displaced.
As the storm approached, Mariana Bautista, who lived in the community of La Bombita in the Dominican Republic, fled to a shelter in the neighboring community of Barahona, where she stayed for 18 days waiting for the water to recede and for roads to become passable for the return home. At the shelter Mariana and the other displaced by the storm received CWS Blankets. When she was finally able to return home, the slow process of rebuilding her shattered life began (Mariana’s husband developed a severe respiratory infection and died shortly after she returned.) CWS was there with its partner, Social Services of the Dominican Churches (SSID), providing families with food rations, Hygiene Kits, School Kits, clothes and mattresses, medical care and drinking water. In addition, SSID is helping families to repair or reconstruct their homes, as well as with the rehabilitation of crop and food production capacity. With CWS support, SSID is also training community organizations in the principles of emergency and risk management.
When we see the results of a disaster, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and powerless. But through CWS Blankets+, our contributions add up and enable CWS to respond effectively when people need help the most. Together, we can do a lot!

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