Sunday, January 30, 2011

February Newsletter - The Baptist Light

Dear Friends,

What is the most popular holiday in February? (I’ll give you a hint: it’s not Ground Hog day!) Even young children know that in the month of February we celebrate Valentine’s Day. We send and receive cards and candy. And if we’re really blessed, we might even receive roses!
I like to call February the “Love” month. (You can even spell it “Luv” if you want to.) With Valentine’s Day being such an important holiday in our country, we are reminded to show love to our families and our friends.

Love can be expressed through the cards and gifts we share on Valentine’s Day, but the apostle Paul had an even better idea. He wrote the famous “Love Chapter”, 1 Corinthians 13, that we often hear read at weddings. However, as beautiful a scripture as it is for weddings, it was intended for people in the Church and their relationships with one another.

I came across a paraphrase of 1 Corinthians 13 that I want to share with you this month. I hope it encourages you in showing love to others, following the example of Jesus. I also hope it builds your faith in God, who first loved us, and gave us Jesus as proof.

No matter how eloquently or spiritually I speak, if I do not love people, I am merely making noise. People will never care how much I know, (whether of present or future), until they know how much I care. People will not care how much I trust God, unless they feel they can trust me. I may give everything, even my body, but if love does not purify the gift, it is a waste.

Love waits – it does not push.
Love is tender – it does not grab.
Love shares – it does not sulk.
Love rejoices – it does not gloat.
Love bears, believes, hopes, endures; it cares. Love is ultimate.

Predictions end; noises dissipate; knowledge is forgotten. These things are finite – they will fade. But the ultimate will remain.

We are growing – from childish speaking, feeling, thinking, to mature speaking, feeling, thinking. The future is unclear, as our own self-image is unclear. But the time will come when our purpose is known, as God already knows it.

Out of everything remain faith, hope and love – but the ultimate is love!

Love in Christ,
Pastor Jim

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