Tuesday, April 26, 2011

May 2011 Baptist Light Newsletter

Dear Friends,
I love to be in a worship service where I am encouraged, blessed, “lifted up”, and feel that being in worship was a great experience for me. I am sure you feel the same way. We want worship to bless us, encourage us and “lift us up” as it were.
That being said, we recognize that worship doesn’t always happen that way for us. Sometimes we find the minister’s message boring. We may find the music uninspiring, or wonder why the church doesn’t play and sing the kind of music we like. We may feel the worship service has gone too long, or it simply wasn’t encouraging, a blessing, or an experience of “lifting us up.” George Barna surveyed thousands of churchgoing Christians, asking them, “Have you ever experienced God in a worship service?” Only one-third, 33%, said they regularly experience God in church worship. Perhaps that is why worship attendance is in decline. . .
Pastor Rick Ezell in his One Minute Uplift newsletter writes, “It is safe to say that true, life-changing encounters with the living God are missing from many of our churches. We desperately need a life-changing glimpse of the greatness, the awesomeness, the wonder, the power, the mercy, the goodness and the loving-kindness of the God we serve.” We can all say “amen” to that! Who of us would not want a life-changing glimpse of God? (Of course, we have to be careful of what we ask for – not too many of us really want to change our lives all that much.)
Pastor Ezell continues by writing that the word worship comes from an Old English word that means “worthship.” The idea here is that when we come to worship, we’re declaring God’s worth. And if we’re truly declaring God’s worth, we don’t worship God for what we can get out of it, but to give God the honor and glory that is due Him. Think on that for a minute… We come to church not for what we can get out of it, but rather for what we can put into it. We come to bless God first and foremost. That is what our worship is all about.
Think of it this way: often we come to church as an audience, looking for what we will receive that day, what we will “get” from the worship service. But the correct way to think of worship to God is that God is the audience, and God is looking for what we will give him through our worship – our singing, praying, giving, listening. Worship is about giving worth to God above anything else.
Pastor Ezell writes: “Worship is not a weekly pep talk to rally the troops . . . Worship occurs when people encounter the God who loves them and desires a relationship with them. Worship is a meeting between God and His people. Worship does not lead to an encounter with God. It is an encounter with God.”
On the days I am bored with worship, just feeling like I’m not getting anything out of it, I have to stop and ask myself, what am I putting into it? Worship isn’t about you and me and what we want to experience in worship as much as it is about God and giving God the glory that is his. Let us therefore worship God with heart, soul, and voice, lifting up all that we are to him. And you know what? If we do so I doubt very much we will find worship to be dull or boring. In fact, we will find it encouraging, a blessing, a great experience, and we’ll feel “lifted up.”

Pastor Jim


One of our four church designated mission offerings this year is Kodiak Baptist Mission, located in Kodiak, Alaska. The Mission of Kodiak is stated as follows: As a Christian social service organization in Alaska, the purpose of Kodiak Baptist Mission is to improve the quality of life of children and their families by ministering to their unmet physical, social, emotional, spiritual and intellectual needs, by following the example set forth in the life of Jesus Christ. Kodiak strives to carry out this mission through the following ministries:
· Circle J Ranch, which is an equestrian education and experience to small groups. The Ranch gives individuals who do not own, lease or otherwise have access to their own horse the opportunity to learn more about horse care, enhance riding skills, and develop showing interests in a safe, Christ centered stable environment.
· Afterschool Programming. ARK is a high quality, safe, structured, Christ centered atmosphere for school-aged children that provides them with the opportunity to learn and promotes academic, social and physical health.
· KBM Adventures, which is an indoor/outdoor, low/high ropes challenge course experience. The course helps promote problem solving and trust building for groups seeking to grow in those areas.
· Sonshine Christian Preschool/Daycare. Sonshine Christian Preschool and Daycare provides a Christ-centered school that is dedicated to the discovery of truth and to the active learning about God's world. It is based on three clear, positive beliefs: 1) Jesus Christ is the foundation on which we live our lives. 2) Children can learn the self-controls of responsibility, respect, and caring. 3) People, especially children, learn the most when learning is active, purposeful, relates to the immediate world of the learner, and is interesting.
· Island Summer Adventures, which is a summer program for kids.
· Kodiak Island Food Bank, which feeds and clothes people in need. For example, last November the food bank fed 932 adults and 388 children.
· Camp Woody. Camp Woody is owned by American Baptist Churches USA and functions as an inter-denominational Christian camp serving the youth of Kodiak and the greater Alaska area. Camp Woody is located on Woody Island three miles offshore from the Kodiak downtown harbor.

At the center of every program is the love of our Lord, states KBM director, Trevor Jones. “It is the desire that all the programs we do are simply wells by which thirsty people come for a drink and find the Lord waiting for them to converse and give hope.”

Mothers Day Humor

Several children were asked, “What kind of little girl was your mom?” “My mom has always been my mom and none of that other stuff” . . . “I don’t know because I wasn’t there, but my guess would be pretty bossy.” . . . “They say she used to be nice.”

“What’s the difference between moms and dads?” “Moms work and work and work at home, and dads just got to work at work.” . . . “Moms know how to talk to teachers without scaring them.” . . . “Dads are taller and stronger, but moms have all the real power ‘cause that’s who you gotta ask if you want to sleep over at your friend’s.

“What does your mom do in her spare time?” “Mothers don’t do spare time.” … “To hear her tell it, she pays bills all day long.”

“If you could change one thing about your mom, what would it be?” “She has this weird thing about me keeping my room clean. I’d get rid of that.” … “I’d make my mom smarter. Then she would know it was my sister who did it and not me.”

“Describe the world’s greatest mom.” “She would make broccoli taste like ice cream.” . . . “The greatest mom in the world wouldn’t make me kiss my aunts!” . . . “She’d always be smiling and keep her opinions to herself.”

A Mothers Day Poem - "Hands" by Judith Peitsch

Thank you Lord for dirty hands that touch my stove and fridge;
For sticky little fingers that try to build a bridge.
For careless hands that go astray in search of something new;
For hands to hold and show the way as mothers often do.
For precious little hands in which great faith so abounds;
For silly little hands that reach to touch a mother’s frown.
And thank you for your guiding hand that leads me to the light;
That lifts me when I stumble and points me to the right.
As little hands reach out to me to show them what to do,

I’m steadied, reassured and loved as I reach up to You

Pastoral Search Committee

On April 3rd, a Pastoral Search Committee was formed following a vote of the congregation. The members are: Cathy Strohmeyer, Mike Kesselhon (both Cathy and Mike represent the Ministry Council); Tom Schroder, Henry Rose, Donna Mentink, and Christi Lewis (who replaced Fritz Bowers.) Dave Isom serves as an alternate, and Tom Romnek is on the committee by virtue of being the Moderator of the Ministry Council. Henry Rose is the Chairperson of the Pastoral Search Committee.

Vacation Bible School

This year’s VBS theme is Marketplace 29 AD! We will be combining our efforts this year with Faith United Methodist Church. Trudi Woods and Holly Robinson are co-directors. The children will be experiencing life as the people did in 29 AD. Each child will be one of the tribes of Jacob, learning about stories through a story teller, music, crafts, athletics and snacks. We would like for a great number of our church family to share their talents by being a parent of one of the tribes, using their special talents in a shop in the marketplace, acting as a carpenter to help set up, being a leader, or helping in the kitchen. The dates are Sunday, July 31st, through Thursday, August 4th, from 6:00 pm to 8:15 pm each evening. There will also be a kickoff dinner on July 31st from 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm. We hope that this venture and partnership with Faith Church brings in a number of children to learn about Jesus and his teaching.

Sunday School

The last day of Sunday School until Fall is Sunday, May 22nd. We are so grateful for our Sunday School teachers and their dedication to their ministry. Thank you, teachers, for blessing our students and helping them to know God through your ministry of teaching!

Our Sympathy

On March 29th, Dottie Friesen, age 97, and a long-time member of our church, passed away at the Wild Rose Manor where she had been a resident for the past ten years. Dottie was a very active member of our church until she suffered a stroke in April of 1996. Dottie was the mother/mother-in-law of Donna and Dave Mentink, and the grandmother of Kim Mentink Rose (Henry), as well as the great grandmother of Joshua, Jeremy and Heather Rose. Our prayers are with Dottie’s family.

Buildings and Property

Jack Zoglman has resigned as staff person of Buildings and Property. We want to thank Jack for his dedication and hard work in this task. Along with many unseen aspects of this ministry, Jack also made sure our grass was cut in the non-snowy seasons, and our walks shoveled when we had snow (along with the Lewis’), of which there has been a lot of these past two winters! Thanks, Jack!

Tree Farm Day Outing

Join the group for a spring day at the Tree Farm, Saturday, May 14th. We usually gather around 9:00, work a little, play a little and enjoy each others company. You can bring your own rakes, chain saws, work gloves, and cleaning supplies. Because we are not sure how many will show up, we ask you again to bring your own lunches and beverages. We hope you will join us! If you need directions, call Donna & Dave at 920 787-3455.

Memorial Day Weekend Camping

We know money is tight and travel might be limited, but you can camp at the Tree Farm, which is only 1 hour from the valley. If you want to camp with electrical service or use one of the two cabins, reservations are needed. First come, first serve! Come for a day or the whole weekend, whichever works for you. See the Tree Farm bulletin board for the reservation form or call Donna & Dave at 920 787-3455. We try to make a few weekends each year for church families, so this is your opportunity to get acquainted with a different style.

Sisters of Faith

The Sisters of Faith (that is, the women of Faith United Methodist Church – right across the street), invite our women and young ladies to their Annual Fellowship Tea, to be held at Faith on Saturday, May 14th, from 9:30 am to 11:30 am. “Join us for coffee, tea and goodies and listen to a musical program with Dorothy Zerbe and life lessons from women.” Childcare is provided. Please RSVP to Char at 725-8725, by May 7th.

Church Finances

As of the end of March, we are $1,777 in the red. That is, our expenses have exceeded our income. Please keep our financial needs in your prayers. Thank you.

Camp Tamarack

The camping season at Camp Tamarack will be beginning soon! Please contact Pastor Jim with the names and ages of any campers who are planning to attend. Camp scholarships are available.

Christian Concert for Youth

Christian recording artist Rebecca St. James is coming to Appleton West High School on Saturday, May 14th. Rebecca will be performing some of her inspirational music, show her life-affirming movie, Sarah’s Choice, and share about a national organization called Mission: Pre-born. Along with other local organizations, Rebecca will share of how unborn babies are being saved through the love and support of others. The concert is being held at Appleton West High School, 610 N. Badger Ave, Appleton. Doors open and Gold Circle Meet N Greet at 6:00 pm, with the event starting at 7:00 pm. To purchase tickets and for more information, visit www.uniteforlife.us.

American Baptist Churches of WI Nominations

The American Baptist Churches of Wisconsin is seeking people to serve in the following positions: vice-president, at-large board member, treasurer, commission on finance, commission of congregational missions, commission on camping, and commission on ministry. If you are interested in serving in any of these capacities, contact Pastor Jim.

May Birthdays

2 Cathy Strohmeyer
4 Marion Burrows
4 Art Schwandner
6 Jonathon Delikowski
7 Becky Zoglman
10 Michael Smith
12 May Paw
13 Mikayla Weyers
18 Dorothy Hoks
23 Duane Langdon
30 Bruce Brazee

Wedding Anniversaries

9 Dave & Mary Hill
13 Bob & Barb Bell
17 Charles & Judy Pfister
18 Henry & Kim Rose
29 Tom & Kathy Schroder

May Greeters

May 1 Donna Mentink
May 8 Donna Mentink
May 15 Donna Mentink
May 22 Donna Mentink
May 29 Kathy Najdowski