Tuesday, April 26, 2011


One of our four church designated mission offerings this year is Kodiak Baptist Mission, located in Kodiak, Alaska. The Mission of Kodiak is stated as follows: As a Christian social service organization in Alaska, the purpose of Kodiak Baptist Mission is to improve the quality of life of children and their families by ministering to their unmet physical, social, emotional, spiritual and intellectual needs, by following the example set forth in the life of Jesus Christ. Kodiak strives to carry out this mission through the following ministries:
· Circle J Ranch, which is an equestrian education and experience to small groups. The Ranch gives individuals who do not own, lease or otherwise have access to their own horse the opportunity to learn more about horse care, enhance riding skills, and develop showing interests in a safe, Christ centered stable environment.
· Afterschool Programming. ARK is a high quality, safe, structured, Christ centered atmosphere for school-aged children that provides them with the opportunity to learn and promotes academic, social and physical health.
· KBM Adventures, which is an indoor/outdoor, low/high ropes challenge course experience. The course helps promote problem solving and trust building for groups seeking to grow in those areas.
· Sonshine Christian Preschool/Daycare. Sonshine Christian Preschool and Daycare provides a Christ-centered school that is dedicated to the discovery of truth and to the active learning about God's world. It is based on three clear, positive beliefs: 1) Jesus Christ is the foundation on which we live our lives. 2) Children can learn the self-controls of responsibility, respect, and caring. 3) People, especially children, learn the most when learning is active, purposeful, relates to the immediate world of the learner, and is interesting.
· Island Summer Adventures, which is a summer program for kids.
· Kodiak Island Food Bank, which feeds and clothes people in need. For example, last November the food bank fed 932 adults and 388 children.
· Camp Woody. Camp Woody is owned by American Baptist Churches USA and functions as an inter-denominational Christian camp serving the youth of Kodiak and the greater Alaska area. Camp Woody is located on Woody Island three miles offshore from the Kodiak downtown harbor.

At the center of every program is the love of our Lord, states KBM director, Trevor Jones. “It is the desire that all the programs we do are simply wells by which thirsty people come for a drink and find the Lord waiting for them to converse and give hope.”

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