Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Too Busy Disorder

Too Busy Disorder or TDB is a sickness of our times. We are so busy that we don’t have time to do everything than needs to be done. We run from one task to another – always trying to catch up and it seems always falling behind. The stress of managing our time weighs heavy upon us. It contributes to our feeling tired and worn out. We may be experiencing TBD.
There are two Greek words for time: chronos and karios. When chronos dominates we live by time. Life is experienced as chronology with one thing happening after another. This is a linear concept of time: like a straight line along which we travel. When karios dominates we live in time. Life is experienced as opportunity. It is full time – real time. It requires dwelling in the moment so completely that the possibility of life opens up to us. Kairos time can be seen as a deep dot in which we dwell.
Spiritual transformation enables us to move from chronos to kairos: to tap the immediacy of life. To move from nowhere to now here: from living by time to living in time. When we are too busy we lose touch with kairos time. We get caught up with where and how we are going to spend the next moments – projecting ourselves into unlived time, “preparing” to live rather than living. We begin to think that life happens on “tomorrow’s stage”. We forget that life happens now. (Excerpt from Sue Monk “When the Heart Waits)
“This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.” Psalm 118:24. (This article was prepared by the Samaritan Counseling Center of the Fox Valley. 920-886-9319.)

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