Friday, August 29, 2008

September Newsletter

Dear Friends,

I recently came across an article by Pastor Paul Blizard of Beckley, WV, on the subject, “Why Go to Church?” That’s a very important question considering many people find reasons to worship on Sunday mornings, and just as many Christians find reasons not to worship on Sunday mornings.
Pastors are familiar with the reasons given to skipping church on Sundays. Some find they “worship” at the golf course, though as Pastor Bilzard commented, he has seen few actually pray, except when trying to sink an important putt! Some find their busy lifestyles leave Sunday as the only day to sleep in or get caught up on other activities. Some simply say church is boring. There are many other reasons (excuses) given as well.
So why go to church? Because we are the ‘Body of Christ’ and wherever two or more gather together in Jesus’ name, there Jesus is, in their midst (Matthew 18:20.) Pastor Blizard asks, “Do we really believe this? Think about the gravity of these words. Jesus is saying, whenever believers are “gathered” in His name, He is there! Isn’t that reason enough to get together?”
If Jesus is here, we can expect all the blessings He has to give. Of course, these blessings don’t come without our being open to receive them. Think of it in terms of someone wanting to give you a gift. For the gift to be yours, you have to reach out and receive it. The same is true with the gift of Himself that Jesus gives to us in worship. We have to be open to receive Him. This means paying attention, actively listening, participating in the prayers and songs, in the offering and the message. God is willing to meet us. Are we expecting Him?
Proverbs 8:34 says, “Blessed are those who listen to me, watching for me daily at my gates, waiting for me outside my home.” Pastor Blizard points out that if we want to receive a blessing by encountering Jesus each time we go to church it means we need to listen, to be watching, and to be waiting. “Each takes deliberate concentration.” They also take focus. Why is this? There is much to distract us from hearing God speak to us. So we need to listen intentionally and believe that God “is going to do something wonderful” as we worship together.
Worship is one of our most important ways of expressing our love to God. The scripture makes clear that it is something we are to do together as the Body of Christ on a regular basis. There will always be other alternatives, but none will ever be better or more important than gathering together with other Christians to worship the God who gives us life in Jesus Christ. Pastor Blizard writes, “This week believers will be meeting in Jesus’ name. He has promised to be there. He will be speaking and changing lives. Will you be there?”

Pastor Jim

Annual Meeting of the American Baptist Churches of Wisconsin

The Annual Meeting of the ABCW will take place the weekend of October 8-11 at the Green Lake Conference Center. The theme this year is “Dwelling In The (Neighbor) Hood.” Jesus said, “And the King will tell them, “I assure you, when you did it to the least of my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me”.” (Matthew 25:40.) Prior to the annual meeting will be “Mission Mobilization,” which will be an opportunity for “Hands-on” mission work in the Green Lake area. The meeting itself will provide opportunities for worship, workshops, fellowship, and a bit of business. Special speakers include Dr. Reid Trulson, ABC International Ministries Executive Director, and Cathy Holmes, Missionary to India. More information is available on the bulletin board, and through Pastor Jim.

American Baptist International Missions

(From the American Baptist International Ministries Update, July/August, 2008)
American Baptist International Ministries has launched a Global Food Crisis Fund, which will provide desperately needed money to help our partners in poor areas deal with the rising costs of basic foods. The fund began with $100,000, with $50,000 coming from International Ministries. The other $50,000 came from the One Great Hour of Sharing, an offering raised by American Baptists each year. “Places around the world where hunger has been a big problem, have now seen it become a bigger problem as food prices have increased dramatically,” said Reid Trulson, IM executive director.
An immediate $50,000 grant went to the Thailand Burma Border Consortium, to help them with the rising cost of rice, which is the primary staple food given to hundreds of thousands of displaced people living in the refugee camps. The remaining $50,000 grant has already been approved for Jean Rabel, a region on the northwestern tip of Haiti, where missionaries Kihomi and Madubiga Nzunga serve. Madubiga said, “The situation there is critical.” He said families are reportedly selling their children in hopes that where they are taken they will be able to eat and survive. Partners in the Philippines and North Korea have also applied for support during this critical period.
The food crisis is blamed on many factors. The rising cost of oil, which makes food more expensive to transport; government subsidies that in some countries have made staple food more expensive; and ongoing poverty, where people simply cannot afford to pay the cost of the food that is available have all been blamed as causes.
The Global Food Crisis is ongoing and needs assistance. To make donations, go to

VBS 2008 Power Lab

As I reflect back to the week of Bible School, these are some of my thoughts...
1. planning by the planning team that started in January
2. painting of sets and decorations this spring that brought out many new ‘artists’
3. a congregation that prayed for the week
4. a congregation that donated financially with dollars and materials
5. 70 children who learned about God’s miraculous power
6. people that took on the challenge of new leadership roles
7. people that interacted with children and people who worked behind the scenes
8. 740 pounds of food which translates to an equivalency of $925 to the Neenah-Menasha
Emergency Food Pantry
9. An exciting week of singing, learning, playing, and creating as our expression of God’s love
10. THANK YOU to the congregation of Whiting Community Baptist Church who made the week a
huge success!

- Denise Schmitz, VBS Coordinator

Adult Sunday School

The Miracles of Jesus is the topic of the Adult Sunday School for the first 6 weeks of Sunday School. Jesus not only preached the kingdom of God in word, but demonstrated it in power. Our study of Jesus’ miracles will open our eyes to their impact on the lives he touched, what they reveal about God’s heart, and their significance for us today. Please join us!

FW Friends

FW Friends begins on September 16. FW Friends is a wonderful way to continue our outreach to children in our church and from our community. The evening is an exciting way to share the word of God with children through Bible Stories and scripture, drama, puppets, crafts, games, projects and snacks. FW Friends meets on Tuesday nights from 6:30 to 7:45. Please register your children, friends, neighbors and family members. Registration forms and flyers are available at church. There is a cost of $13 per child for the year but financial assistance is available. We are looking for adults to help with this ministry. We need adults in teaching or helping roles. Please pray about your role in this ministry and talk with Denise about how your gifts and talents can be used

Choir Meeting

On Sunday, September 14th there will be an important choir meeting in the sanctuary at 11:30. All choir members, and anyone considering joining the choir, please make plans to be at this meeting. We are making decisions regarding music in the church and the role of the choir. If you can not make the meeting, please talk to Holly or Pastor Jim.

Flute Choir

The Flute Choir will meet for the first fall rehearsal after church on Sunday, Sept. 7th. We rehearse from 11:30-12:00 every Sunday. Please bring your calendars so that we can plan which Sundays we are available to share music with the congregation. If you have questions please talk to Holly Robinson.

Fireproof Your Marriage

Fireproof is a movie that tells the story of a marriage that is experiencing difficult times. The primary characters, Caleb and Catherine, are preparing for divorce when Caleb’s father challenges Caleb to a 40-day experiment called The Love Dare. It’s a difficult challenge that frustrates Caleb time after time, yet it results in a life-changing commitment that helps him to love his wife once again.
Fireproof is a movie, and also a curriculum for marriages, and is founded on Biblical principles for strong, God-centered, lifelong marriages. This 6-week study uses video clips along with thought-provoking discussion questions, and individual and couples’ devotionals to challenge members to grow deeper spiritually and in their relationship. Fireproof Your Marriage is being offered as a small group study by Pastor Jim. The dates it meets will be determined by those who agree to participate. If you and your spouse are interested, contact Pastor Jim.

Tullar Outreach

We are launching a new connection with Tullar school and the YMCA by making space available for their after school program. Details will follow when we know more. Please pray for this new outreach in our community.

Women of the Church

Participate in a Small Group Women’s ‘study’. What happens every 1st, 3rd and 5th Wednesday of the month?

– Bible Study
– Dinner
– Support, Fellowship and Friendship
– Prayer

Consider joining us! We begin dinner at 6:00 and follow with the study and prayer concerns. The new study is called ‘Resting in Him. I Need To Slow Down!’
Take a much-needed break and join us as we discover how to enter into the rest God has planned for us!
Please see Barb Moravec, Kristin Hoehne, Alicia Romnek or Denise Schmitz so we can order a book for you. (Cost $8.50)

Rally Day - September 7

The Olympics have been great fun! Even more fun will be our own Whiting Olympics on Rally Day. Following worship we will have an all-church potluck (please bring a dish to pass.) And then following lunch, the Olympics begin – and people of all ages will be able to participate. So join us as we celebrate Rally Day with the Whiting Olympics


Sunday School begins Sept 7th at 9:00. Church service moves to 10:15

Ten Commandments for Beating Busyness

(from Focus on the Family)
Thou shalt…
1. Connect heart-to-heart with your family each week.
2. Let the Holy Spirit lead you.
3. Be fruitful and productive, not busy.
4. Take rest seriously.
5. Use all your vacation time every year.
6. Commit your time off solely to non-work activities.
7. Have fun at least once a week.
8. Eat regularly, preferably sitting down.
9. Exercise regularly.
10. Use technology to gain time, not consume it.

Tourettes Syndrome Support Group

A Tourettes Syndrome support group is being formed in the Fox Valley. The goals of the group are to educate the schools, give families information, help children understand they are not alone through playgroups, and to provide public informational meetings. If you are interested in joining or helping, please contact Cheryl at (920) 731-6013.


Those that God has brought together let no one (or computer) put asunder.
Some people believe that online behavior should not be seen as infidelity or cheating because no physical contact occurs. Research, however, suggests a different reality for the betrayed partner. M.T. Whitty (2005) found that cyber-cheating is experienced as very real. Cyber-betrayal occurs if a person in a committed relationship participates in an online activity that is perceived by one or both partners as unfaithful to their commitment to each other.
Online infidelity is defined by most as cheating and in most cases the emotional pain and feelings of betrayal replicate or mimic that resulting from more traditional forms of infidelity.
There are powerful factors that contribute to the prevalence of cyber-betrayal: accessibility; affordability; anonymity; convenience; escape from reality; and pseudo-intimacy. Cyber-betrayal results in disconnection in the relationship. If the relationship is to be restored, the unfaithful behavior needs to stop and trust rebuilt.
The Samaritan Counseling Center has a specialty in couple therapy and can help those suffering from cyber-betrayal to move back into a committed relationship. You can call 920-886-9319 for more information.

Sunbeam Station Preschool

Sunbeam Station Preschool, a Christian Preschool based at Faith United Methodist Church, Neenah, is currently accepting registrations for this fall. Three year olds will meet two mornings a week. Four year olds will meet three mornings a week. Both ages have the option of an extra day on Friday. For information, call Holly at 729-9382 or 858-8013