Friday, August 29, 2008

VBS 2008 Power Lab

As I reflect back to the week of Bible School, these are some of my thoughts...
1. planning by the planning team that started in January
2. painting of sets and decorations this spring that brought out many new ‘artists’
3. a congregation that prayed for the week
4. a congregation that donated financially with dollars and materials
5. 70 children who learned about God’s miraculous power
6. people that took on the challenge of new leadership roles
7. people that interacted with children and people who worked behind the scenes
8. 740 pounds of food which translates to an equivalency of $925 to the Neenah-Menasha
Emergency Food Pantry
9. An exciting week of singing, learning, playing, and creating as our expression of God’s love
10. THANK YOU to the congregation of Whiting Community Baptist Church who made the week a
huge success!

- Denise Schmitz, VBS Coordinator

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