Friday, August 29, 2008

September Newsletter

Dear Friends,

I recently came across an article by Pastor Paul Blizard of Beckley, WV, on the subject, “Why Go to Church?” That’s a very important question considering many people find reasons to worship on Sunday mornings, and just as many Christians find reasons not to worship on Sunday mornings.
Pastors are familiar with the reasons given to skipping church on Sundays. Some find they “worship” at the golf course, though as Pastor Bilzard commented, he has seen few actually pray, except when trying to sink an important putt! Some find their busy lifestyles leave Sunday as the only day to sleep in or get caught up on other activities. Some simply say church is boring. There are many other reasons (excuses) given as well.
So why go to church? Because we are the ‘Body of Christ’ and wherever two or more gather together in Jesus’ name, there Jesus is, in their midst (Matthew 18:20.) Pastor Blizard asks, “Do we really believe this? Think about the gravity of these words. Jesus is saying, whenever believers are “gathered” in His name, He is there! Isn’t that reason enough to get together?”
If Jesus is here, we can expect all the blessings He has to give. Of course, these blessings don’t come without our being open to receive them. Think of it in terms of someone wanting to give you a gift. For the gift to be yours, you have to reach out and receive it. The same is true with the gift of Himself that Jesus gives to us in worship. We have to be open to receive Him. This means paying attention, actively listening, participating in the prayers and songs, in the offering and the message. God is willing to meet us. Are we expecting Him?
Proverbs 8:34 says, “Blessed are those who listen to me, watching for me daily at my gates, waiting for me outside my home.” Pastor Blizard points out that if we want to receive a blessing by encountering Jesus each time we go to church it means we need to listen, to be watching, and to be waiting. “Each takes deliberate concentration.” They also take focus. Why is this? There is much to distract us from hearing God speak to us. So we need to listen intentionally and believe that God “is going to do something wonderful” as we worship together.
Worship is one of our most important ways of expressing our love to God. The scripture makes clear that it is something we are to do together as the Body of Christ on a regular basis. There will always be other alternatives, but none will ever be better or more important than gathering together with other Christians to worship the God who gives us life in Jesus Christ. Pastor Blizard writes, “This week believers will be meeting in Jesus’ name. He has promised to be there. He will be speaking and changing lives. Will you be there?”

Pastor Jim

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