Friday, May 29, 2009

June 2009 Newsletter

Dear Friends,

We’re going on a treasure hunt!

We won’t be digging holes around the church searching for buried gold, though. Instead, we’re searching for God’s treasure.

Scripture provides the map. For God, we are treasure: “You are children of the Lord your God…It is you the Lord has chosen…to be His people, His treasured possession” (Deuteronomy 14:1-2). Although those words were spoken long ago to people in another part of the world, Galatians 3:26 assures us that we are included, too: “For in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith.”

One of the gifts of being God’s children is that sometimes we are called to be “treasure tenders” for God. We tend God’s treasure here in our congregation with the love and care we show each other through special meals, visiting the sick and shut-in, teaching Christian discipleship, and praying for each other. We are also invited to tend God’s treasures beyond our congregation by participating in One Great Hour of Sharing.

Life can be tough at times. Hurricanes, earthquakes, cyclones, and tsunamis destroy communities. Wars and ethnic conflicts shatter the very foundation of life, shoving people out of their homes and transforming them into frightened refugees. Persistent hunger, drought, poverty, lack of education, and illness shrivel the life and dry the spirit, leaving individuals to crumble from the inside out.

Through One Great Hour of Sharing, we care for God’s treasures. By sharing some of our earthly treasure – our money, our time, our energy – aid is sent when disaster strikes. Refugees receive help in the long term as they rebuild their lives. People receive education, health care, tools, seeds, and resources to improve their communities.

And the sharing is mutual. When we care for people, we can be transformed by experiencing the presence of God. Seeing what others have lost, we are reminded what matters most in life. Seeing what others live through, we are inspired to live courageously. Seeing that new life is possible, our hope rises. Working with others, we realize that God reaches out to all of us. Relying on God for the outcome, our faith increases.

First Timothy 6:18-19a exhorts us “to do good, to be rich in good works, generous, and ready to share, thus storing up…the treasure of a good foundation for the future.” Our treasure is doing God’s will. Loving God, and loving God’s treasured people, so we all “may take hold of the life that really is life” (1 Timothy 6:19b). Jesus said, “Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” (Matthew 6:21). May you find your treasure, and your heart, by sharing resources and changing lives with a generous gift to One Great Hour of Sharing. (Envelopes are available on the back table.)

Pastor Jim

OGHS Project Descriptions

Here are several of the ways in which One Great Hour of Sharing funds will be used this year.
$60,000 is designated for the Resettlement of Refugees here in the U.S. Refugees from Burma are one of the major groups this fund will help as we respond to the refugees, displaced from their home land, who require assistance as they resettle in our country.
$12,000 is designated for Food Security for Refugee Communities in the Republic of Congo. For Rwandan refugees who fled the 1994 genocide in their own country, life in the Republic of Congo continues to be difficult. The land given to refugee communities is limited and not fertile. And to complicate the situation even more, a disease that attacks the cassava plant – a staple of the diet – has devastated fields. A grant from the OGHS will provide seeds and tools along with goats to help families.
$10,000 is designated for a Dormitory and Training Center for Freed Slaves in Ghana. Young girls in Ghana are sometimes forced to become slaves, which meals for them a life sentence of sexual abuse and forced servitude. The ABC of Massachusetts is working with the Ghana Baptist Convention to free these young girls. The Training Center will be a haven of healing and one of preparation for the training needed to enhance their chosen skills and to enable these young girls to begin life anew outside of the center.
$25,000 is designated for a Micro-Credit Lending Program in Egypt. In a country where poverty is a very serious concern and children are sometimes exploited for their labor, seventy-seven families will be given an average loan of $325 to start a small business or revive a struggling existing business. The loans will be repaid and the proceeds lent to another family within the community. With this support, the financial burden of the family will be lifted, and the children will be able to return to school.

Betsy and David Perkins Missionary Support

Betsy and David Perkins serve God in India. David is International Ministries' Country Director for India Mission. He promotes mutual understanding and cooperation of Indian and American Baptist Churches. Dave also oversees relief and development work in the country.

Betsy coordinates the White Cross program of American Baptist Women's Ministries in India. She is involved in the development of women's ministries and leadership.
Together they give support and encouragement to Baptist partners in India with a particular focus on disciplining and leadership development. International Ministries relates to 11 Baptist conventions and councils in India, which represent 2 million baptized members.

Beginning this Fall, American Baptist Missionaries are required to raise all of their own financial support. One of the missionary families Whiting Community Church has connected with is the Perkins. David and Betsy have spoken at our church a couple of times about their ministry in India, to which they will be returning in September. We hope, as a church, to build a special relationship with the Perkins and support their ministry.

One way we will support the Perkins is by designating the October World Mission Offering to their work. However, you can also support them yourself. There are two ways to do this. For one, you can designate mission funds for them through your giving here at WCBC. You can also send funds to International Ministries designating support for them. (You can even do the latter online.) If you choose to support them, and/or for more information, please see Pastor Jim.

Marriage Renewal Group

Would you like to enrich your marriage? Would you like to discover ways to strengthen the covenant you made with your spouse? All marriages, those that are strong as well as those that could be stronger, can benefit from marriage enrichment. A Marriage Renewal Group, “Keeping Your Covenant” will begin on Monday night, June 1st, here at church, beginning at 6:30 p.m. (The following two Mondays we’ll meet at 7:00 p.m.) For more information, or to register, contact Pastor Jim.

EAA Missionary Housing

This year’s AirVenture at the EAA will emphasize the work of Mission and Humanitarian Aviation. There will be over 250 missionaries who will be coming to the EAA (July 27 – August 2) to participate – this is more than double any previous year. MASA (Mission Aviation Support Association) is looking for help with housing and transportation (as early as July 24 for some.) if you have an extra bedroom (s), and/or a car you can lend for the week, please contact Anita Holdridge at 920-948-3928 or (Denise and I hosted a missionary couple last year and were greatly blessed! We look forward to hosting again this year.)

If you go to the EAA during AirVenture, be sure to check out the Fly4Life display on Aero Shell Square. It will tell the history of mission aviation, what’s happening now and how people can get involved. Over 30 individual mission organizations will have displays throughout the AirVenture grounds.

Bumper Sticker Wisdom

  • A day without sunshine is like night

  • First things first, but not necessarily in that order

  • Old age comes at a bad time

  • In America, anyone can be President. That’s one of the risks you take.

  • I used to have a handle on life, but it broke.

  • IRS: We’ve got what it takes to take what you’ve got.

  • As long as there are tests, there will be prayer in public schools.

Saturday/Sunday Night Live

There has been some interest expressed in holding Saturday evening or Sunday evening worship services. (These services would supplement, not replace our Sunday morning worship service, and at least initially would be an occasional service.) A planning team would be required to get this worship ministry started. Such things to be considered include service format, music, child care, etc. If you are interested in participating on the planning team, please email Pastor Jim ( by June 10th, and a meeting date will be set.

Father's Day

A father passed by his son's bedroom and was astonished to see the bed nicely made up and everything neat and tidy. Then he saw an envelope propped up on the pillow. It was addressed, "Dad." With the worst premonition, he opened the envelope and read the letter with trembling hands:
Dear Dad,

It is with great regret and sorrow that I'm writing you. I had to elope with my new girlfriend because I wanted to avoid a scene with you and Mom. I've been finding real passion with Joan, and she is so nice. I knew you would not approve of her because of all her piercings, tattoos, tight motorcycle clothes, and the fact that she is so much older than I am. It's not just her passion, Dad. She really gets me.

Joan says that we are going to be very happy. She owns a trailer in the woods and has a stack of firewood—just enough for the whole winter. We share a dream of having many children.

Please don't worry, Dad. I'm 15 and I know how to take care of myself. I'm sure we'll be back to visit someday so you can get to know your grandchildren.

Your son, Chad

P.S. Dad, none of the above is true. I'm over at Tommy's house. I just wanted to remind you that there are worse things in life than the report card that's in my desk drawer. I love you! Call when it is safe for me to come home.

Worship Time Change

Please note that beginning Sunday, June 7th, our worship on Sunday morning begins at 9:00 a.m. Our worship time will be 9:00 a.m. throughout June, July and August.

Pastoral Support

Pastor Jim will be out of the office from June 20th through July 7th. For pastoral support during this time, please call Pastor Mary Council-Austin of Faith United Methodist Church, from June 20th through June 25th. Her number is 722-5842. And from June 26th through July 7th please call Pastors Jon or Tabitha Gallatin of Gloria Dei Lutheran Church at 725-6822.

June Anniversaries

6 Bruce & Cathy Brazee
12 Jim $ Marion Burrows
15 Pat & Christi Lewis
17 Dave & Jodi Isom
25 Earl & Shirley Klug
30 Ken & Debbie Burrows
30 Jack & Becky Zoglman

June Birthdays

1 Dorothy Markel
4 Mike Kesselhon
6 Ken Biettler
6 Michelle Grade
8 Ryan Bachorz
8 Tyler Fisher
9 Heather Stilp
15 Scott Weyers
16 William Bell
18 Earl Klug
20 Roxane Kesselhon
22 Augie Bratz
27 Pat Lewis
27 Ethan Zoglman
28 Jim Romnek
29 Kristine Fisher