Friday, May 29, 2009

Betsy and David Perkins Missionary Support

Betsy and David Perkins serve God in India. David is International Ministries' Country Director for India Mission. He promotes mutual understanding and cooperation of Indian and American Baptist Churches. Dave also oversees relief and development work in the country.

Betsy coordinates the White Cross program of American Baptist Women's Ministries in India. She is involved in the development of women's ministries and leadership.
Together they give support and encouragement to Baptist partners in India with a particular focus on disciplining and leadership development. International Ministries relates to 11 Baptist conventions and councils in India, which represent 2 million baptized members.

Beginning this Fall, American Baptist Missionaries are required to raise all of their own financial support. One of the missionary families Whiting Community Church has connected with is the Perkins. David and Betsy have spoken at our church a couple of times about their ministry in India, to which they will be returning in September. We hope, as a church, to build a special relationship with the Perkins and support their ministry.

One way we will support the Perkins is by designating the October World Mission Offering to their work. However, you can also support them yourself. There are two ways to do this. For one, you can designate mission funds for them through your giving here at WCBC. You can also send funds to International Ministries designating support for them. (You can even do the latter online.) If you choose to support them, and/or for more information, please see Pastor Jim.

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