Friday, May 29, 2009

OGHS Project Descriptions

Here are several of the ways in which One Great Hour of Sharing funds will be used this year.
$60,000 is designated for the Resettlement of Refugees here in the U.S. Refugees from Burma are one of the major groups this fund will help as we respond to the refugees, displaced from their home land, who require assistance as they resettle in our country.
$12,000 is designated for Food Security for Refugee Communities in the Republic of Congo. For Rwandan refugees who fled the 1994 genocide in their own country, life in the Republic of Congo continues to be difficult. The land given to refugee communities is limited and not fertile. And to complicate the situation even more, a disease that attacks the cassava plant – a staple of the diet – has devastated fields. A grant from the OGHS will provide seeds and tools along with goats to help families.
$10,000 is designated for a Dormitory and Training Center for Freed Slaves in Ghana. Young girls in Ghana are sometimes forced to become slaves, which meals for them a life sentence of sexual abuse and forced servitude. The ABC of Massachusetts is working with the Ghana Baptist Convention to free these young girls. The Training Center will be a haven of healing and one of preparation for the training needed to enhance their chosen skills and to enable these young girls to begin life anew outside of the center.
$25,000 is designated for a Micro-Credit Lending Program in Egypt. In a country where poverty is a very serious concern and children are sometimes exploited for their labor, seventy-seven families will be given an average loan of $325 to start a small business or revive a struggling existing business. The loans will be repaid and the proceeds lent to another family within the community. With this support, the financial burden of the family will be lifted, and the children will be able to return to school.

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