Wednesday, October 28, 2009

November 2009 Newsletter

Dear Friends,

For the past five weeks we have tried a noble experiment. On the last Sunday evening in September and all of the Sunday evenings in October, we here at WCBC have had Sunday evening activities. (Still one game and pizza night to go as of this writing.) I was a bit reluctant at first to schedule these activities, but with the encouragement of my wife and Christi Lewis, I had hopes for the good experiences our church could have through them. Certainly, coming together as people of faith can have many positive benefits.

What has happened with our Sunday evening activities? I have found that our Sunday night activities have been a tremendous blessing! On our first game and pizza night we had over 30 people participate. It was great fellowship just to converse with one another, play some games, eat some pizza, and have fun. Building relationships with fellow Christians is so vitally important to our church life. Having fun doing so just adds icing to the cake.

The following Sunday we had a Sunday evening worship experience. We had a guest praise band, experienced the Lord’s Supper a bit differently, and worshiped God. Around 40 of us participated, enjoying popcorn and fellowship afterwards. There’s that word again – “fellowship.” It’s a strange word in our 21st century, but it describes the joyful interaction we have with one another because we are brothers and sisters in Christ.

On the second and third Sunday evenings in October we had experiences devoted to outreach ministry. The first of these was spent visiting individuals and families related to our church. Our visits went well, and we only wish we would have had more time to visit more people. The second evening was spent raking leaves of some of our church family. This was a “hands-on” service opportunity, and all who participated came away feeling they had made a difference in someone’s life through a simple task. Both of these experiences included a meal and fellowship. We enjoyed serving others, eating together, and just having fun.

Notice all the benefits of our Sunday night activities: Worship, Service, Ministry, Fellowship – these are the marks of a church that strives to live up to our calling to be the Body of Christ.

The opportunities mentioned above happened in September and October. However, there are also opportunities to worship, serve, minister and fellowship all the time at our church. Consider ways you can participate in these, and see what a tremendous difference it is to be active in the Body of Christ.

Yours in Christ,
Pastor Jim

Daylight Savings Time

Daylight Savings Time ends on Sunday morning, November 1st. “Fall back,” and enjoy an extra hour of sleep. Better yet, use the extra hour by coming to Sunday School!

Homecoming Sunday

On Sunday, November 1st, we are holding a “Homecoming Sunday.” Many schools have football homecomings, where alumni from past years come back to the school they attended in the past. Our Homecoming Sunday is somewhat similar in that we are inviting church members and friends that we haven’t seen in awhile, to come back “home,” and join us in our worship of God. Together we will celebrate our “oneness” in Christ, for we are brothers and sisters of Jesus.
If you haven’t been to WCBC in awhile, we certainly would love to see you! If you know of someone who hasn’t worshiped with us in awhile, please invite them to our “Homecoming.” Nothing is as special as coming home.

The Life You've Always Wanted

The Life You’ve Always Wanted is the title of a new six week Sunday School course now being offered. If you’re tired of the status quo – if you suspect there’s more to Christianity than what you’ve experienced – then you will want to participate in this course on transformation through spiritual disciplines. These are not disciples as in “I have to do these,” but rather ways that help us connect with God that we find satisfying and fulfilling. Please join us on Sunday mornings at 9:00 and discover the life you’ve always wanted.


Pastor Jim will be out of the office from Monday afternoon, November 2nd, through Saturday, November 8th, attending the Academy for Spiritual Formation. Please feel free to contact him on his cell phone at 920-450-7680. (There will be no Adult Foundations on Tuesday, November 3rd.)

Dr. Arlo Reicther to be at WCBC

On Sunday, November 8th, Dr. Arlo Reichter, Executive Minister for the American Baptist Churches of Wisconsin, will be worshiping with us and bringing us the morning’s message.

American Baptist International Ministries

John and Tomoko Armagost serve with the Japan Baptist Union churches in Kansai. In all they do the Armagosts look for opportunities to share the Gospel with people who never have had contact with a church. Children, parents and grandparents learn about the love of God through these initial experiences, which are like first steps that can eventually lead to lifetime decisions to follow Jesus. Here are some examples:
Children: In modern Japan, schools regularly provide activities for elementary-aged children following the normal school day. However, the schools in the Sone area of Osaka have a policy of not having such programs on Wednesdays. This has provided an opportunity for the Sone Church to offer an after-school program called “Olive Club,” which includes games, a Bible story, singing and snacks. One day recently as John and Tomoko helped provide leadership, they overheard one girl say to her friend on the way out the door, “This is best! Are you coming next week?”
Parents: When the church in Nara celebrates Pentecost – the birthday of the church and coming of the Holy Spirit – they have a special service. When the Armagosts spoke earlier this year on that Sunday, the sanctuary was filled with parents who are not normally there; they and their children, who attend the church’s weekday pre-school program, received a special invitation for Pentecost Sunday. Tomoko presented a children’s sermon using a candle and taught, “The flame is like God’s Holy Spirit. It gives light, and warmth, and look…it moves. It dances. It has energy and power. And that is what living with God is like.”
Grandparents: Some months ago one older woman attended her first “Tea-chime,” a gathering where women play the hand-chimes and enjoy a time of fellowship, tea, and a word of prayer. That first step grew to become steps of faith! At her recent baptism, “Mrs. K,” gave this testimony. “I didn’t know how to pray, but I learned to pray.” Now her grandchildren call her, “Amen Grandma,” because when they visit each other, she prays with them each night before they go to sleep.
Please pray for the Armagosts and our other American Baptist Missionaries, who serve Christ and people around the world.

Congregational Meeting

On Sunday, November 8th, following worship, a congregational meeting will be held for the purpose of previewing the proposed 2010 ministry and budget forecast.

Christmas Gift Giving

Christmas shoe boxes bring joy and hope to children in desperate situations world wide. Through the efforts of Samaritan’s Purse and your donations, children are seeing the love of Jesus in action, and reading about him through the “Greatest Gift of All”, a booklet which is included with each box. Children also are brought into follow-up discipleship programs and many come to faith in Jesus.
In 2008, over 8 millions shoe boxes, filled with their many little gifts from generous people like you, were delivered. Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these” -- Matthew 19:13. Envelopes and shoe boxes are located at the back of church. Boxes need to be at church by Nov 15. For more information, see RoseMary Buelow.

Christmas Gatherings

What are Christmas Gatherings? They are a doable, fruitful means of sharing the love of Jesus with neighbors, co-workers and friends. Christmas Gatherings are an evangelistic, social gathering in a home featuring seasonal refreshments, spontaneous sharing of Christmas traditions, and a brief, non-threatening talk on the meaning of Christmas. If you would like to host such an event in your neighborhood, training is available on Tuesday, November 3rd, and Monday, November 9th, both from 6:15 to 8:45 pm. For more information, check out the bulletin board.

Words of Wisdom

· Don’t let your worries get the best of you; remember, Moses started out as a basket case.
· Some people are kind, polite, and sweet-spirited – until you try to sit in their pews.
· Many folks want to serve God – but only as advisers.
· It is easier to preach 10 sermons than it is to live one.
· The good Lord didn’t create anything without a purpose, but mosquitoes come close.

Church Finances

Although we are currently seeing a negative $2,336 through September, we have made up some of the deficit we have had this year. Thank you for your faithful giving. You make ministry possible! “The one who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and the one who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Each of you must give as you have made up your mind, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to provide you with every blessing in abundance, so that by always having enough of everything, you may share abundantly in every good work.” 2 Corinthians 9:6-8.

Tips for Staying Healthy

· Wash your hands often using warm water and enough soap to create a lather. Rub hands together briskly for about 15 seconds (about as long as it takes to sing “Happy Birthday.”)
· Try not to touch your eyes, nose, or mouth.
· Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
· Practice good habits, such as not smoking, getting plenty of sleep, staying active, managing stress, drinking plenty of water and eating nutritious food.
· If you get sick, protect others by covering your mouth and nose when you sneeze. Use a tissue, or cough and sneeze into your upper sleeve, not your hands. Wash your hands often or use a hand sanitizer.
· If you are sick, stay home from work and school and avoid large public gatherings if you are coughing, sneezing and blowing your nose.

Velte Benevolent Requests

Each year at our December church business meeting, the Velte Committee makes recommendations to the congregation for the use of Velte Benevolent Funds. The recommendations of the Velte Committee are based on the proposals written by congregation members. So if there is a non-profit organization that you would like to recommend to be considered for these funds, submit your proposal to Kim Rose. Some of the previous recipients of these funds include: Leaven, Habitat for Humanity, Boy Scout Troop 300, Community Clothes Closet, and Salvation Army. For more information, see Velte Committee members (Pat Lewis, Kim Rose, Fritz Bowers, Kathy Hoehne,) or Pastor Jim.

Ministry Council Recommendations

The Ministry Council is now receiving recommendations for a new Ministry Council member, to begin serving a three year term beginning in January. Please submit your recommendations to either Barb Moravec, our Church Moderator, or Pastor Jim.

Thanksgiving Humor

A food editor of the local newspaper received a telephone call from a woman inquiring how long to cook a 22-pound turkey. “Just a minute,” said the food editor, turning to consult a chart. “Thank you very much,” replied the novice cook, and hung up!

Thanksgiving Eve Worship

On Wednesday, November 25th, at 7:00 pm, we will host the Thanksgiving Eve worship service. This service of thanksgiving and praise includes our neighbors, Faith United Methodist, and Gloria Dei Lutheran Church.

Baptist Light Articles

Anyone wishing to submit an article to the Baptist Light may contact Pastor Jim at 722-4312. You may call him with your details, submit PC diskettes or printed material. Please have articles to him by the 20th of each month to allow time to print by the 1st of each month.

“It’s gonna take a MIRACLE for that to happen!”

But miracles are what Christmas is all about! Plan on learning more about the “miracle” as the children and youth share the program titled, Miracle on Main Street, on Saturday, December 19th at 4:00 and at the worship service on December 20th. Practice times for November are as follows:
Sun. School singing
Children’s Church
Approx. 10:45-11:15
Business Meeting
Nov. 1st
PS-5th grade
K-5, select parts

Nov. 8th
PS-5th grade
K-5, select parts
Nov. 15th
PS-5th grade
K-5, select parts

Nov. 22nd
PS-5th grade
K-5, select parts

Nov. 29th
PS-5th grade
K-5, select parts

If you have any questions, please talk to Holly Robinson, Becky Luebker, or Becky Zoglman.


The Greeters on Sunday morning for the month of November are the Youth Group.
If you would like to serve as a Greeter, we could use your help. A sign-up sheet is available on the back table, or you could call Pastor Jim or Kathy Najdowski. This is a great way to serve your church and bless people coming to worship.

November Birthdays

3 David Isom
5 Amber Lewis
6 Ernie Delikowski
6 Mary Miller-Wenzel
6 Ashley Veldboom
8 Abbey Lewis
9 Amber Fesko
11 Josh Rose
13 Erik Demarais
13 Kathleen Harrington
14 Scott Fesko

23 Jenny Wolfe
25 Cathy Lieske
25 Miranda Romnek
27 Neil Mongan
30 Vicci Achtner
30 Lois Harrington

November Anniversaries

15 Dave and Donna Mentink