Wednesday, October 28, 2009

November 2009 Newsletter

Dear Friends,

For the past five weeks we have tried a noble experiment. On the last Sunday evening in September and all of the Sunday evenings in October, we here at WCBC have had Sunday evening activities. (Still one game and pizza night to go as of this writing.) I was a bit reluctant at first to schedule these activities, but with the encouragement of my wife and Christi Lewis, I had hopes for the good experiences our church could have through them. Certainly, coming together as people of faith can have many positive benefits.

What has happened with our Sunday evening activities? I have found that our Sunday night activities have been a tremendous blessing! On our first game and pizza night we had over 30 people participate. It was great fellowship just to converse with one another, play some games, eat some pizza, and have fun. Building relationships with fellow Christians is so vitally important to our church life. Having fun doing so just adds icing to the cake.

The following Sunday we had a Sunday evening worship experience. We had a guest praise band, experienced the Lord’s Supper a bit differently, and worshiped God. Around 40 of us participated, enjoying popcorn and fellowship afterwards. There’s that word again – “fellowship.” It’s a strange word in our 21st century, but it describes the joyful interaction we have with one another because we are brothers and sisters in Christ.

On the second and third Sunday evenings in October we had experiences devoted to outreach ministry. The first of these was spent visiting individuals and families related to our church. Our visits went well, and we only wish we would have had more time to visit more people. The second evening was spent raking leaves of some of our church family. This was a “hands-on” service opportunity, and all who participated came away feeling they had made a difference in someone’s life through a simple task. Both of these experiences included a meal and fellowship. We enjoyed serving others, eating together, and just having fun.

Notice all the benefits of our Sunday night activities: Worship, Service, Ministry, Fellowship – these are the marks of a church that strives to live up to our calling to be the Body of Christ.

The opportunities mentioned above happened in September and October. However, there are also opportunities to worship, serve, minister and fellowship all the time at our church. Consider ways you can participate in these, and see what a tremendous difference it is to be active in the Body of Christ.

Yours in Christ,
Pastor Jim

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