Wednesday, October 28, 2009

“It’s gonna take a MIRACLE for that to happen!”

But miracles are what Christmas is all about! Plan on learning more about the “miracle” as the children and youth share the program titled, Miracle on Main Street, on Saturday, December 19th at 4:00 and at the worship service on December 20th. Practice times for November are as follows:
Sun. School singing
Children’s Church
Approx. 10:45-11:15
Business Meeting
Nov. 1st
PS-5th grade
K-5, select parts

Nov. 8th
PS-5th grade
K-5, select parts
Nov. 15th
PS-5th grade
K-5, select parts

Nov. 22nd
PS-5th grade
K-5, select parts

Nov. 29th
PS-5th grade
K-5, select parts

If you have any questions, please talk to Holly Robinson, Becky Luebker, or Becky Zoglman.

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