Wednesday, October 28, 2009

American Baptist International Ministries

John and Tomoko Armagost serve with the Japan Baptist Union churches in Kansai. In all they do the Armagosts look for opportunities to share the Gospel with people who never have had contact with a church. Children, parents and grandparents learn about the love of God through these initial experiences, which are like first steps that can eventually lead to lifetime decisions to follow Jesus. Here are some examples:
Children: In modern Japan, schools regularly provide activities for elementary-aged children following the normal school day. However, the schools in the Sone area of Osaka have a policy of not having such programs on Wednesdays. This has provided an opportunity for the Sone Church to offer an after-school program called “Olive Club,” which includes games, a Bible story, singing and snacks. One day recently as John and Tomoko helped provide leadership, they overheard one girl say to her friend on the way out the door, “This is best! Are you coming next week?”
Parents: When the church in Nara celebrates Pentecost – the birthday of the church and coming of the Holy Spirit – they have a special service. When the Armagosts spoke earlier this year on that Sunday, the sanctuary was filled with parents who are not normally there; they and their children, who attend the church’s weekday pre-school program, received a special invitation for Pentecost Sunday. Tomoko presented a children’s sermon using a candle and taught, “The flame is like God’s Holy Spirit. It gives light, and warmth, and look…it moves. It dances. It has energy and power. And that is what living with God is like.”
Grandparents: Some months ago one older woman attended her first “Tea-chime,” a gathering where women play the hand-chimes and enjoy a time of fellowship, tea, and a word of prayer. That first step grew to become steps of faith! At her recent baptism, “Mrs. K,” gave this testimony. “I didn’t know how to pray, but I learned to pray.” Now her grandchildren call her, “Amen Grandma,” because when they visit each other, she prays with them each night before they go to sleep.
Please pray for the Armagosts and our other American Baptist Missionaries, who serve Christ and people around the world.

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